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* Switch is used to control sediment model computation within nested and/or multiple connected grids, [1:[[Variables#Ngrids|Ngrids]]] values are expected.<div class="box">    [[Variables#Lsediment|Lsediment]] == T</div>
* Switch is used to control sediment model computation within nested and/or multiple connected grids, [1:[[Variables#Ngrids|Ngrids]]] values are expected.<div class="box">    [[Variables#Lsediment|Lsediment]] == T</div>
==General Sediment Bed Model Controls==
* Depositional bed layer thickness (m) criteria to create a new layer. If deposition exceeds this value, then a new layer is created, [1:[[Variables#Ngrids|Ngrids]]] values are expected.<div class="box">[[Variables#newlayer_thick|NEWLAYER_THICK]] == 0.01d0</div>
* Bed load transport rate coefficient, [1:[[Variables#Ngrids|Ngrids]]] values are expected.<div class="box"> [[Variables#bedload_coeff|BEDLOAD_COEFF]] == 0.05d0</div>

==Lateral Open Boundary Conditions Parameters==
==Lateral Open Boundary Conditions Parameters==
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*Adjoint-based algorithms can have different lateral boundary conditions keywords.<div class="box">[[Variables#ad_LBC|ad_LBC(isTvar)]] ==  Per    Clo    Per    Clo      ! [[Variables#idsed|idsed(:)]], compact</div>
*Adjoint-based algorithms can have different lateral boundary conditions keywords.<div class="box">[[Variables#ad_LBC|ad_LBC(isTvar)]] ==  Per    Clo    Per    Clo      ! [[Variables#idsed|idsed(:)]], compact</div>

==Suspended Cohesive Sediment Parameters==
==General Sediment Bed Model Controls==

There are [[Variables#NCS|NCS]] cohesive (mud) sediment tracers per nested grid in ROMS. Therefore, [1:[[Variables#NCS|NCS]],1:[[Variables#Ngrids|Ngrids]]] values are expected for these parameters.
* Depositional bed layer thickness (m) criteria to create a new layer. If deposition exceeds this value, then a new layer is created, [1:[[Variables#Ngrids|Ngrids]]] values are expected.<div class="box">[[Variables#newlayer_thick|NEWLAYER_THICK]] == 0.01d0</div>

* Median sediment grain diameter (mm).<div class="box">     [[Variables#sd50|MUD_SD50]] == 0.01d0  0.005d0</div>
* Bed load transport rate coefficient, [1:[[Variables#Ngrids|Ngrids]]] values are expected.<div class="box"> [[Variables#bedload_coeff|BEDLOAD_COEFF]] == 0.05d0</div>

* Sediment concentration (kg/m<sup>3</sup>).<div class="box">      [[Variables#Csed|MUD_CSED]] == 0.0d0  10.0d0</div>
==Bed Layer and Bottom Sediment Parameters==

* Sediment grain density (kg/m<sup>3</sup>).<div class="box">      [[Variables#Srho|MUD_SRHO]] == 2650.0d0  2400.0d0</div>
* Logical switches to activate writing of bed layer and bottom sediment fields into output NetCDF file(s), [1:[[Variables#Ngrids|Ngrids]]] values are expected.
:<div class="box">  [[Variables#Hout|Hout(ithck)]] == T      ! bed_thickness          sediment layer thickness<br />  [[Variables#Hout|Hout(iaged)]] == T      ! bed_age                sediment layer age<br />  [[Variables#Hout|Hout(iporo)]] == T      ! bed_porosity            sediment layer porosity<br /> [[Variables#Hout|Hout(idiff)]] == F      ! bed_biodiff            biodiffusivity<br/><br />  [[Variables#Hout|Hout(ids50)]] == T      ! grain_diameter          mean grain diameter<br /> [[Variables#Hout|Hout(idens)]] == T      ! grain_density          mean grain density<br /> [[Variables#Hout|Hout(iwsed)]] == T      ! settling_vel            mean settling velocity<br /> [[Variables#Hout|Hout(itauc)]] == T      ! erosion_stress          critical erosion stress<br /> [[Variables#Hout|Hout(irlen)]] == T      ! ripple_length          ripple length<br /> [[Variables#Hout|Hout(irhgt)]] == T      ! ripple_height          ripple height<br /> [[Variables#Hout|Hout(ibwav)]] == T      ! bed_wave_amp            wave excursion amplitude<br /> [[Variables#Hout|Hout(izdef)]] == T      ! Zo_def                  default bottom roughness<br /> [[Variables#Hout|Hout(izapp)]] == T      ! Zo_app                  apparent bottom roughness<br /> [[Variables#Hout|Hout(izNik)]] == T      ! Zo_Nik                  Nikuradse bottom roughness<br /> [[Variables#Hout|Hout(izbio)]] == T      ! Zo_bio                  biological bottom roughness<br /> [[Variables#Hout|Hout(izbfm)]] == T      ! Zo_bedform              bed form bottom roughness<br /> [[Variables#Hout|Hout(izbld)]] == T      ! Zo_bedload              bed load bottom roughness<br /> [[Variables#Hout|Hout(izwbl)]] == T      ! Zo_wbl                  wave bottom roughness<br /> [[Variables#Hout|Hout(iactv)]] == T      ! active_layer_thickness  active layer thickness<br /> [[Variables#Hout|Hout(ishgt)]] == T      ! saltation              saltation height<br /></div>
* Particle settling velocity (mm/s).<div class="box">      [[Variables#Wsed|MUD_WSED]] == 0.1d0  0.01d0</div>
* Surface erosion rate (kg/m<sup>2</sup>/s).<div class="box">    [[Variables#Erate|MUD_ERATE]] == 5.0d-4  5.0d-4</div>
* Critical shear for erosion and deposition (N/m<sup>2</sup>).<div class="box">   [[Variables#tau_ce|MUD_TAU_CE]] == 0.1d0 0.1d0<br />    [[Variables#tau_cd|MUD_TAU_CD]] == 0.1d0  0.1d0</div>
* Porosity (nondimensional): <span class="red">Vwater/(Vwater+Vsed)</span>. Its values range between '''0''' and '''1'''.<div class="box">    [[Variables#poros|MUD_POROS]] == 0.9d0  0.9d0</div>
* Lateral, constant, harmonic/biharmonic horizontal diffusion of tracer for the nonlinear model and adjoint-based algorithms.<div class="box">      [[Variables#tnu2|MUD_TNU2]] == 0.0d0  0.0d0                    ! m<sup>2</sup>/s<br />     [[Variables#tnu4|MUD_TNU4]] == 0.0d0 0.0d0                    ! m<sup>4</sup>/s<br /><br />  [[Variables#ad_tnu2|ad_MUD_TNU2]] == 0.0d0  0.0d0                    ! m<sup>2</sup>/s<br />   [[Variables#ad_tnu4|ad_MUD_TNU4]] == 0.0d0 0.0d0                    ! m<sup>4</sup>/s</div>
* Vertical mixing coefficients for tracers in nonlinear model and basic state scale factor in adjoint-based algorithms.<div class="box">  [[Variables#Akt_bak|MUD_AKT_BAK]] == 5.0d-6  5.0d-6                  ! m<sup>2</sup>/s<br />   [[Variables#ad_Akt_fac|MUD_AKT_fac]] == 2*1.0d0                        ! nondimensional</div>
* Nudging/relaxation time scales, inverse scales will be computed internally.<div class="box">    [[Variables#Tnudg|MUD_TNUDG]] == 0.0d0 0.0d0                    ! days</div>
* Morphological time scale factor (greater than or equal to 1.0). A value of 1.0 has no scale effect.<div class="box"> [[Variables#morph_fac|MUD_MORPH_FAC]] == 1.0d0 1.0d0                    ! nondimensional</div>
*Logical switches to specify which variables to process for tracers climatology: [1:[[Variables#NCS|NCS]],[[Variables#Ngrids|Ngrids]]] values expected.
:<div class="box">  [[Variables#MUD_Ltclm|MUD_Ltclm]] == F</div>
* Logical switch to specify which variables to consider on tracers point Sources/Sinks (like river runoff). [1:[[Variables#NCS|NCS]],[[Variables#Ngrids|Ngrids]]] values expected.
:<div class="box"[[Variables#LtracerSrc|MUD_Ltsrc]] == F</div>
* Logical switches to activate writing of cohesive sediment into output history file.
:<div class="box"> [[Variables#Hout|Hout(idmud)]] == T      ! mud_01, ...            suspended concentration<br /> [[Variables#Hout|Hout(iMfrac)]] == T      ! mudfrac_01, ...        bed layer fraction<br /> [[Variables#Hout|Hout(iMmass)]] == T      ! mudmass_01, ...        bed layer mass<br /> [[Variables#Hout|Hout(iMUbld)]] == T      ! bedload_Umud_01, ...    bed load at U-points<br /> [[Variables#Hout|Hout(iMVbld)]] == T      ! bedload_Vmud_01, ...    bed load at V-points</div>
* Logical switches to activate writing of time-averaged, cohesive sediment fields into averages output file.
:<div class="box"> [[Variables#Aout|Aout(idmud)]] == T      ! mud_01, ...            suspended concentration<br /> [[Variables#Aout|Aout(iMUbld)]] == T      ! bedload_Umud_01, ...    bed load at U-points<br /> [[Variables#Aout|Aout(iMVbld)]] == T      ! bedload_Vmud_01, ...    bed load at V-points</div>
* Logical switches to activate writing of time-averaged, cohesive sediment diagnostic terms into output diagnostics file.
:<div class="box"> [[Variables#Dout|Dout(MTrate)]] == T      ! mud_01_rate, ...        time rate of change<br /> [[Variables#Dout|Dout(MThadv)]] == T      ! mud_01_hadv, ...        horizontal total advection<br /> [[Variables#Dout|Dout(MTxadv)]] == T      ! mud_01_xadv, ...        horizontal XI-advection<br /> [[Variables#Dout|Dout(MTyadv)]] == T      ! mud_01_yadv, ...        horizontal ETA-advection<br /> [[Variables#Dout|Dout(MTvadv)]] == T      ! mud_01_vadv, ...        vertical advection<br /> [[Variables#Dout|Dout(MThdif)]] == T      ! mud_01_hdiff, ...      horizontal total diffusion<br /> [[Variables#Dout|Dout(MTxdif)]] == T      ! mud_01_xdiff, ...      horizontal XI-diffusion<br /> [[Variables#Dout|Dout(MTydif)]] == T      ! mud_01_ydiff, ...      horizontal ETA-diffusion<br /> [[Variables#Dout|Dout(MTsdif)]] == T      ! mud_01_sdiff, ...      horizontal S-diffusion<br /> [[Variables#Dout|Dout(MTvdif)]] == T      ! mud_01_vdiff, ...      vertical diffusion</div>

==Non-cohesive Sediment Parameters==
==Non-cohesive Sediment Parameters==
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* Lateral, constant, harmonic/biharmonic horizontal diffusion of tracer for the nonlinear model and adjoint-based algorithms.<div class="box">    [[Variables#tnu2|SAND_TNU2]] == 0.0d0                          ! m<sup>2</sup>/s<br />    [[Variables#tnu4|SAND_TNU4]] == 0.0d0                          ! m<sup>4</sup>/s<br /><br />  [[Variables#ad_tnu2|ad_SAND_TNU2]] == 0.0d0                          ! m<sup>2</sup>/s<br />  [[Variables#ad_tnu4|ad_SAND_TNU4]] == 0.0d0                          ! m<sup>4</sup>/s</div>
* Lateral, constant, harmonic/biharmonic horizontal diffusion of tracer for the nonlinear model and adjoint-based algorithms.<div class="box">    [[Variables#tnu2|SAND_TNU2]] == 0.0d0                          ! m<sup>2</sup>/s<br />    [[Variables#tnu4|SAND_TNU4]] == 0.0d0                          ! m<sup>4</sup>/s<br /><br />  [[Variables#ad_tnu2|ad_SAND_TNU2]] == 0.0d0                          ! m<sup>2</sup>/s<br />  [[Variables#ad_tnu4|ad_SAND_TNU4]] == 0.0d0                          ! m<sup>4</sup>/s</div>
* Logical switches to increase horizontal diffusivity of noncohesive sediment trace in specific areas of the application domain (like sponge areas) for the desired grid.<div class="box">    [[Variables#sand_sponge|SAND_Sponge]] == F</div>

* Vertical mixing coefficients for tracers in nonlinear model and basic state scale factor in adjoint-based algorithms.<div class="box">  [[Variables#Akt_bak|SAND_AKT_BAK]] == 5.0d-6                          ! m<sup>2</sup>/s<br />  [[Variables#ad_Akt_fac|SAND_AKT_fac]] == 1.0d0                          ! nondimensional</div>
* Vertical mixing coefficients for tracers in nonlinear model and basic state scale factor in adjoint-based algorithms.<div class="box">  [[Variables#Akt_bak|SAND_AKT_BAK]] == 5.0d-6                          ! m<sup>2</sup>/s<br />  [[Variables#ad_Akt_fac|SAND_AKT_fac]] == 1.0d0                          ! nondimensional</div>
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* Morphological time scale factor (greater than or equal to 1.0). A value of 1.0 has no scale effect.<div class="box">[[Variables#morph_fac|SAND_MORPH_FAC]] == 1.0d0                          ! nondimensional</div>
* Morphological time scale factor (greater than or equal to 1.0). A value of 1.0 has no scale effect.<div class="box">[[Variables#morph_fac|SAND_MORPH_FAC]] == 1.0d0                          ! nondimensional</div>
* Logical switch to specify which variables to consider on tracers point Sources/Sinks (like river runoff). [1:[[Variables#NCS|NCS]],[[Variables#Ngrids|Ngrids]]] values expected.
:<div class="box">  [[Variables#LtracerSrc|MUD_Ltsrc]] == F</div>

*Logical switches to specify which variables to process for tracers climatology: [1:[[Variables#NCS|NCS]],[[Variables#Ngrids|Ngrids]]] values expected.
*Logical switches to specify which variables to process for tracers climatology: [1:[[Variables#NCS|NCS]],[[Variables#Ngrids|Ngrids]]] values expected.
:<div class="box">  [[Variables#SAND_Ltclm|SAND_Ltclm]] == F</div>
:<div class="box">  [[Variables#SAND_Ltclm|SAND_Ltclm]] == F</div>

* Logical switch to specify which variables to consider on tracers point Sources/Sinks (like river runoff). [1:[[Variables#NCS|NCS]],[[Variables#Ngrids|Ngrids]]] values expected.
* Logical switches to nudge the desired noncohesive sediment tracer climatology field. If not analytical climatology fields, users need to turn on the logical switches above to process the fields from the climatology NetCDF file that are needed for nudging. <div class="box">   [[Variables#SAND_Tnudge|SAND_Tnudge]] == F</div>
:<div class="box"> [[Variables#LtracerSrc|MUD_Ltsrc]] == F</div>

* Logical switches to activate writing of non-cohesive sediment into output history file.
* Logical switches to activate writing of non-cohesive sediment into output history file.
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* Logical switches to activate writing of time-averaged, non-cohesive sediment fields into averages output file.
* Logical switches to activate writing of time-averaged, non-cohesive sediment fields into averages output file.
:<div class="box"> [[Variables#Aout|Aout(idsand)]] == T      ! sand_01, ...            suspended concentration<br /> [[Variables#Aout|Aout(iSUbld)]] == T      ! bedload_Usand_01, ...  bed load at U-points<br /> [[Variables#Aout|Aout(iSVbld)]] == T      ! bedload_Vsand_01, ...  bed load at V-points</div>
:<div class="box"> [[Variables#Aout|Aout(idsand)]] == T      ! sand_01, ...            suspended concentration<br /><br /> [[Variables#Aout|Aout(iSTTav)]] == T      ! sand_01_2, ...          quadratic <t*t> tracer terms<br /> [[Variables#Aout|Aout(iSUTav)]] == T      ! u_sand_01, ...          quadratic <u*t> tracer terms<br /> [[Variables#Aout|Aout(iSVTav)]] == T      ! v_sand_01, ...          quadratic <v*t> tracer terms<br /> [[Variables#Aout|Aout(SHUTav)]] == T      ! Huon_sand_01, ...      tracer volume flux, <Huon*t><br /> [[Variables#Aout|Aout(SHVTav)]] == T      ! Hvom_sand_01, ...      tracer volume flux, <Hvom*t><br /><br /> [[Variables#Aout|Aout(iSUbld)]] == T      ! bedload_Usand_01, ...  bed load at U-points<br /> [[Variables#Aout|Aout(iSVbld)]] == T      ! bedload_Vsand_01, ...  bed load at V-points</div>

* Logical switches to activate writing of time-averaged, non-cohesive sediment diagnostic terms into output diagnostics file.
* Logical switches to activate writing of time-averaged, non-cohesive sediment diagnostic terms into output diagnostics file.
:<div class="box"> [[Variables#Dout|Dout(STrate)]] == T      ! sand_01_rate, ...      time rate of change<br /> [[Variables#Dout|Dout(SThadv)]] == T      ! sand_01_hadv, ...      horizontal total advection<br /> [[Variables#Dout|Dout(STxadv)]] == T      ! sand_01_xadv, ...      horizontal XI-advection<br /> [[Variables#Dout|Dout(STyadv)]] == T      ! sand_01_yadv, ...      horizontal ETA-advection<br /> [[Variables#Dout|Dout(STvadv)]] == T      ! sand_01_vadv, ...      vertical advection<br /> [[Variables#Dout|Dout(SThdif)]] == T      ! sand_01_hdiff, ...      horizontal total diffusion<br /> [[Variables#Dout|Dout(STxdif)]] == T      ! sand_01_xdiff, ...      horizontal XI-diffusion<br /> [[Variables#Dout|Dout(STydif)]] == T      ! sand_01_ydiff, ...      horizontal ETA-diffusion<br /> [[Variables#Dout|Dout(STsdif)]] == T      ! sand_01_sdiff, ...      horizontal S-diffusion<br /> [[Variables#Dout|Dout(STvdif)]] == T      ! sand_01_vdiff, ...      vertical diffusion</div>
:<div class="box"> [[Variables#Dout|Dout(STrate)]] == T      ! sand_01_rate, ...      time rate of change<br /> [[Variables#Dout|Dout(SThadv)]] == T      ! sand_01_hadv, ...      horizontal total advection<br /> [[Variables#Dout|Dout(STxadv)]] == T      ! sand_01_xadv, ...      horizontal XI-advection<br /> [[Variables#Dout|Dout(STyadv)]] == T      ! sand_01_yadv, ...      horizontal ETA-advection<br /> [[Variables#Dout|Dout(STvadv)]] == T      ! sand_01_vadv, ...      vertical advection<br /> [[Variables#Dout|Dout(SThdif)]] == T      ! sand_01_hdiff, ...      horizontal total diffusion<br /> [[Variables#Dout|Dout(STxdif)]] == T      ! sand_01_xdiff, ...      horizontal XI-diffusion<br /> [[Variables#Dout|Dout(STydif)]] == T      ! sand_01_ydiff, ...      horizontal ETA-diffusion<br /> [[Variables#Dout|Dout(STsdif)]] == T      ! sand_01_sdiff, ...      horizontal S-diffusion<br /> [[Variables#Dout|Dout(STvdif)]] == T      ! sand_01_vdiff, ...      vertical diffusion</div>

==Bed Layer and Bottom Sediment Parameters==
==Suspended Cohesive Sediment Parameters==
There are [[Variables#NCS|NCS]] cohesive (mud) sediment tracers per nested grid in ROMS. Therefore, [1:[[Variables#NCS|NCS]],1:[[Variables#Ngrids|Ngrids]]] values are expected for these parameters.
* Median sediment grain diameter (mm).<div class="box">      [[Variables#sd50|MUD_SD50]] == 0.01d0  0.005d0</div>
* Sediment concentration (kg/m<sup>3</sup>).<div class="box">      [[Variables#Csed|MUD_CSED]] == 0.0d0  0.0d0</div>
* Sediment grain density (kg/m<sup>3</sup>).<div class="box">      [[Variables#Srho|MUD_SRHO]] == 2650.0d0  2400.0d0</div>
* Particle settling velocity (mm/s).<div class="box">      [[Variables#Wsed|MUD_WSED]] == 0.1d0  0.01d0</div>
* Surface erosion rate (kg/m<sup>2</sup>/s).<div class="box">    [[Variables#Erate|MUD_ERATE]] == 5.0d-4  5.0d-4</div>
* Critical shear for erosion and deposition (N/m<sup>2</sup>).<div class="box">    [[Variables#tau_ce|MUD_TAU_CE]] == 0.1d0  0.1d0<br />    [[Variables#tau_cd|MUD_TAU_CD]] == 0.1d0  0.1d0</div>
* Porosity (nondimensional): <span class="red">Vwater/(Vwater+Vsed)</span>. Its values range between '''0''' and '''1'''.<div class="box">    [[Variables#poros|MUD_POROS]] == 0.9d0  0.9d0</div>
* Lateral, constant, harmonic/biharmonic horizontal diffusion of tracer for the nonlinear model and adjoint-based algorithms.<div class="box">      [[Variables#tnu2|MUD_TNU2]] == 0.0d0  0.0d0                    ! m<sup>2</sup>/s<br />      [[Variables#tnu4|MUD_TNU4]] == 0.0d0  0.0d0                    ! m<sup>4</sup>/s<br /><br />  [[Variables#ad_tnu2|ad_MUD_TNU2]] == 0.0d0  0.0d0                    ! m<sup>2</sup>/s<br />  [[Variables#ad_tnu4|ad_MUD_TNU4]] == 0.0d0  0.0d0                    ! m<sup>4</sup>/s</div>
* Logical switches to increase horizontal diffusivity of cohesive sediment trace in specific areas of the application domain (like sponge areas) for the desired grid.<div class="box">    [[Variables#MUD_sponge|MUD_Sponge]] == F F</div>
* Vertical mixing coefficients for tracers in nonlinear model and basic state scale factor in adjoint-based algorithms.<div class="box">  [[Variables#Akt_bak|MUD_AKT_BAK]] == 5.0d-6  5.0d-6                  ! m<sup>2</sup>/s<br />  [[Variables#ad_Akt_fac|MUD_AKT_fac]] == 2*1.0d0                        ! nondimensional</div>
* Nudging/relaxation time scales, inverse scales will be computed internally.<div class="box">    [[Variables#Tnudg|MUD_TNUDG]] == 0.0d0 0.0d0                    ! days</div>
* Morphological time scale factor (greater than or equal to 1.0). A value of 1.0 has no scale effect.<div class="box"> [[Variables#morph_fac|MUD_MORPH_FAC]] == 1.0d0 1.0d0                    ! nondimensional</div>
* Logical switch to specify which variables to consider on tracers point Sources/Sinks (like river runoff). [1:[[Variables#NCS|NCS]],[[Variables#Ngrids|Ngrids]]] values expected.
:<div class="box">  [[Variables#LtracerSrc|MUD_Ltsrc]] == F F</div>
*Logical switches to specify which variables to process for tracers climatology: [1:[[Variables#NCS|NCS]],[[Variables#Ngrids|Ngrids]]] values expected.
:<div class="box">  [[Variables#MUD_Ltclm|MUD_Ltclm]] == F F</div>
* Logical switches to nudge the desired cohesive sediment tracer climatology field. If not analytical climatology fields, users need to turn on the logical switches above to process the fields from the climatology NetCDF file that are needed for nudging. <div class="box">    [[Variables#MUD_Tnudge|MUD_Tnudge]] == F F</div>
* Logical switches to activate writing of cohesive sediment into output history file.
:<div class="box"> [[Variables#Hout|Hout(idmud)]]  == T      ! mud_01, ...            suspended concentration<br /> [[Variables#Hout|Hout(iMfrac)]] == T      ! mudfrac_01, ...        bed layer fraction<br /> [[Variables#Hout|Hout(iMmass)]] == T      ! mudmass_01, ...        bed layer mass<br /> [[Variables#Hout|Hout(iMUbld)]] == T      ! bedload_Umud_01, ...    bed load at U-points<br /> [[Variables#Hout|Hout(iMVbld)]] == T      ! bedload_Vmud_01, ...    bed load at V-points</div>
* Logical switches to activate writing of time-averaged, cohesive sediment fields into averages output file.
:<div class="box"> [[Variables#Aout|Aout(idmud)]]  == T      ! mud_01, ...            suspended concentration<br /><br /> [[Variables#Aout|Aout(iMTTav)]] == T      ! mud_01_2, ...          quadratic <t*t> tracer terms<br /> [[Variables#Aout|Aout(iMUTav)]] == T      ! u_mud_01, ...          quadratic <u*t> tracer terms<br /> [[Variables#Aout|Aout(iMVTav)]] == T      ! v_mud_01, ...          quadratic <v*t> tracer terms<br /> [[Variables#Aout|Aout(MHUTav)]] == T      ! Huon_mud_01, ...        tracer volume flux, <Huon*t><br /> [[Variables#Aout|Aout(MHVTav)]] == T      ! Hvom_mud_01, ...        tracer volume flux, <Hvom*t><br /><br /> [[Variables#Aout|Aout(iMUbld)]] == T      ! bedload_Umud_01, ...    bed load at U-points<br /> [[Variables#Aout|Aout(iMVbld)]] == T      ! bedload_Vmud_01, ...    bed load at V-points</div>

* Logical switches to activate writing of bed layer and bottom sediment fields into output NetCDF file(s), [1:[[Variables#Ngrids|Ngrids]]] values are expected.
* Logical switches to activate writing of time-averaged, cohesive sediment diagnostic terms into output diagnostics file.
:<div class="box"> [[Variables#Hout|Hout(ithck)]] == T      ! bed_thickness          sediment layer thickness<br /> [[Variables#Hout|Hout(iaged)]] == T      ! bed_age                sediment layer age<br /> [[Variables#Hout|Hout(iporo)]] == T      ! bed_porosity            sediment layer porosity<br /> [[Variables#Hout|Hout(idiff)]] == F       ! bed_biodiff            biodiffusivity</div>
:<div class="box"> [[Variables#Dout|Dout(MTrate)]] == T      ! mud_01_rate, ...        time rate of change<br /> [[Variables#Dout|Dout(MThadv)]] == T      ! mud_01_hadv, ...        horizontal total advection<br /> [[Variables#Dout|Dout(MTxadv)]] == T      ! mud_01_xadv, ...        horizontal XI-advection<br /> [[Variables#Dout|Dout(MTyadv)]] == T      ! mud_01_yadv, ...        horizontal ETA-advection<br /> [[Variables#Dout|Dout(MTvadv)]] == T      ! mud_01_vadv, ...       vertical advection<br /> [[Variables#Dout|Dout(MThdif)]] == T      ! mud_01_hdiff, ...      horizontal total diffusion<br /> [[Variables#Dout|Dout(MTxdif)]] == T      ! mud_01_xdiff, ...      horizontal XI-diffusion<br /> [[Variables#Dout|Dout(MTydif)]] == T      ! mud_01_ydiff, ...      horizontal ETA-diffusion<br /> [[Variables#Dout|Dout(MTsdif)]] == T      ! mud_01_sdiff, ...      horizontal S-diffusion<br /> [[Variables#Dout|Dout(MTvdif)]] == T       ! mud_01_vdiff, ...      vertical diffusion</div>

Revision as of 20:11, 7 June 2016

Sediment Model Input Script - sediment.in

The sediment.in file sets the parameters for sediment output. The name of this file is set by the SPARNAM keyword in the ocean.in file. This standard input ASCII file is organized in several sections as shown below, with links to more detailed explanation where required.

Note Notice: Detailed information about ROMS input script file syntax can be found here.

Note Notice: A default sediment.in input script is provided in the User/External subdirectory. Also there are several sediment input scripts in the ROMS/External subdirectory which are used in the distributed test cases. They are usually named sediment_app.in where app is the lowercase of the test case CPP option.

Sediment Model Control Switches

  • Switch is used to control sediment model computation within nested and/or multiple connected grids, [1:Ngrids] values are expected.
    Lsediment == T

Lateral Open Boundary Conditions Parameters

  • The lateral boundary conditions are entered with a keyword. A value is expected for each boundary segment per nested grid for each state variable. The sediment tracer variables (cohesive and non-cohesive) require [1:4,1:NCS+NNS,Ngrids] values. If specifying every tracer, enter first 1:NCS cohesive sediment entries followed by 1:NNS non-cohesive sediment entries. The boundary order is: 1=west, 2=south, 3=east, and 4=north. That is, anticlockwise starting at the western boundary.

    The keyword is case insensitive and usually has three characters. However, it is possible to have compound keywords, if applicable. For example, the keyword RadNud implies radiation boundary condition with nudging. This combination is usually used in active/passive radiation conditions.

    NoteNotice: It is possible to specify the lateral boundary conditions for all biological tracers in a compact form with a single entry. If so, all the biological tracers are assumed to have the same boundary condition as the single entry.
    ! Keyword Lateral Boundary Condition Type
    ! Cla Clamped _____N_____ j=Mm
    ! Clo Closed | 4 |
    ! Gra Gradient | |
    ! Nes Nested 1 W E 3
    ! Nud Nudging | |
    ! Per Periodic |_____S_____|
    ! Rad Radiation 2 j=1
    ! i=1 i=Lm
    ! W S E N
    ! e o a o
    ! s u s r
    ! t t t t
    ! h h
    ! 1 2 3 4

    LBC(isTvar) == Per Clo Per Clo  ! idsed(:), compact
  • Adjoint-based algorithms can have different lateral boundary conditions keywords.
    ad_LBC(isTvar) == Per Clo Per Clo  ! idsed(:), compact

General Sediment Bed Model Controls

  • Depositional bed layer thickness (m) criteria to create a new layer. If deposition exceeds this value, then a new layer is created, [1:Ngrids] values are expected.
    NEWLAYER_THICK == 0.01d0

Bed Layer and Bottom Sediment Parameters

  • Logical switches to activate writing of bed layer and bottom sediment fields into output NetCDF file(s), [1:Ngrids] values are expected.
Hout(ithck) == T  ! bed_thickness sediment layer thickness
Hout(iaged) == T  ! bed_age sediment layer age
Hout(iporo) == T  ! bed_porosity sediment layer porosity
Hout(idiff) == F  ! bed_biodiff biodiffusivity

Hout(ids50) == T  ! grain_diameter mean grain diameter
Hout(idens) == T  ! grain_density mean grain density
Hout(iwsed) == T  ! settling_vel mean settling velocity
Hout(itauc) == T  ! erosion_stress critical erosion stress
Hout(irlen) == T  ! ripple_length ripple length
Hout(irhgt) == T  ! ripple_height ripple height
Hout(ibwav) == T  ! bed_wave_amp wave excursion amplitude
Hout(izdef) == T  ! Zo_def default bottom roughness
Hout(izapp) == T  ! Zo_app apparent bottom roughness
Hout(izNik) == T  ! Zo_Nik Nikuradse bottom roughness
Hout(izbio) == T  ! Zo_bio biological bottom roughness
Hout(izbfm) == T  ! Zo_bedform bed form bottom roughness
Hout(izbld) == T  ! Zo_bedload bed load bottom roughness
Hout(izwbl) == T  ! Zo_wbl wave bottom roughness
Hout(iactv) == T  ! active_layer_thickness active layer thickness
Hout(ishgt) == T  ! saltation saltation height

Non-cohesive Sediment Parameters

There are NNS non-cohesive (sand) sediment tracers per nested grid in ROMS. Therefore, [1:NNS,1:Ngrids] values are expected for these parameters.

  • Median sediment grain diameter (mm).
    SAND_SD50 == 1.0d0
  • Sediment concentration (kg/m3).
    SAND_CSED == 0.0d0
  • Sediment grain density (kg/m3).
    SAND_SRHO == 2650.0d0
  • Particle settling velocity (mm/s).
    SAND_WSED == 1.0d0
  • Surface erosion rate (kg/m2/s).
    SAND_ERATE == 5.0d-4
  • Porosity (nondimensional): Vwater/(Vwater+Vsed). Its values range between 0 and 1.
    SAND_POROS == 0.5d0
  • Lateral, constant, harmonic/biharmonic horizontal diffusion of tracer for the nonlinear model and adjoint-based algorithms.
    SAND_TNU2 == 0.0d0  ! m2/s
    SAND_TNU4 == 0.0d0  ! m4/s

    ad_SAND_TNU2 == 0.0d0  ! m2/s
    ad_SAND_TNU4 == 0.0d0  ! m4/s
  • Logical switches to increase horizontal diffusivity of noncohesive sediment trace in specific areas of the application domain (like sponge areas) for the desired grid.
  • Vertical mixing coefficients for tracers in nonlinear model and basic state scale factor in adjoint-based algorithms.
    SAND_AKT_BAK == 5.0d-6  ! m2/s
    SAND_AKT_fac == 1.0d0  ! nondimensional
  • Nudging/relaxation time scales, inverse scales will be computed internally.
    SAND_TNUDG == 0.0d0  ! days
  • Morphological time scale factor (greater than or equal to 1.0). A value of 1.0 has no scale effect.
    SAND_MORPH_FAC == 1.0d0  ! nondimensional
  • Logical switch to specify which variables to consider on tracers point Sources/Sinks (like river runoff). [1:NCS,Ngrids] values expected.
MUD_Ltsrc == F
  • Logical switches to specify which variables to process for tracers climatology: [1:NCS,Ngrids] values expected.
  • Logical switches to nudge the desired noncohesive sediment tracer climatology field. If not analytical climatology fields, users need to turn on the logical switches above to process the fields from the climatology NetCDF file that are needed for nudging.
  • Logical switches to activate writing of non-cohesive sediment into output history file.
Hout(idsand) == T  ! sand_01, ... suspended concentration
Hout(iSfrac) == T  ! sandfrac_01, ... bed layer fraction
Hout(iSmass) == T  ! sandmass_01, ... bed layer mass
Hout(iSUbld) == T  ! bedload_Usand_01, ... bed load at U-points
Hout(iSVbld) == T  ! bedload_Vsand_01, ... bed load at V-points
  • Logical switches to activate writing of time-averaged, non-cohesive sediment fields into averages output file.
Aout(idsand) == T  ! sand_01, ... suspended concentration

Aout(iSTTav) == T  ! sand_01_2, ... quadratic <t*t> tracer terms
Aout(iSUTav) == T  ! u_sand_01, ... quadratic <u*t> tracer terms
Aout(iSVTav) == T  ! v_sand_01, ... quadratic <v*t> tracer terms
Aout(SHUTav) == T  ! Huon_sand_01, ... tracer volume flux, <Huon*t>
Aout(SHVTav) == T  ! Hvom_sand_01, ... tracer volume flux, <Hvom*t>

Aout(iSUbld) == T  ! bedload_Usand_01, ... bed load at U-points
Aout(iSVbld) == T  ! bedload_Vsand_01, ... bed load at V-points
  • Logical switches to activate writing of time-averaged, non-cohesive sediment diagnostic terms into output diagnostics file.
Dout(STrate) == T  ! sand_01_rate, ... time rate of change
Dout(SThadv) == T  ! sand_01_hadv, ... horizontal total advection
Dout(STxadv) == T  ! sand_01_xadv, ... horizontal XI-advection
Dout(STyadv) == T  ! sand_01_yadv, ... horizontal ETA-advection
Dout(STvadv) == T  ! sand_01_vadv, ... vertical advection
Dout(SThdif) == T  ! sand_01_hdiff, ... horizontal total diffusion
Dout(STxdif) == T  ! sand_01_xdiff, ... horizontal XI-diffusion
Dout(STydif) == T  ! sand_01_ydiff, ... horizontal ETA-diffusion
Dout(STsdif) == T  ! sand_01_sdiff, ... horizontal S-diffusion
Dout(STvdif) == T  ! sand_01_vdiff, ... vertical diffusion

Suspended Cohesive Sediment Parameters

There are NCS cohesive (mud) sediment tracers per nested grid in ROMS. Therefore, [1:NCS,1:Ngrids] values are expected for these parameters.

  • Median sediment grain diameter (mm).
    MUD_SD50 == 0.01d0 0.005d0
  • Sediment concentration (kg/m3).
    MUD_CSED == 0.0d0 0.0d0
  • Sediment grain density (kg/m3).
    MUD_SRHO == 2650.0d0 2400.0d0
  • Particle settling velocity (mm/s).
    MUD_WSED == 0.1d0 0.01d0
  • Surface erosion rate (kg/m2/s).
    MUD_ERATE == 5.0d-4 5.0d-4
  • Critical shear for erosion and deposition (N/m2).
    MUD_TAU_CE == 0.1d0 0.1d0
    MUD_TAU_CD == 0.1d0 0.1d0
  • Porosity (nondimensional): Vwater/(Vwater+Vsed). Its values range between 0 and 1.
    MUD_POROS == 0.9d0 0.9d0
  • Lateral, constant, harmonic/biharmonic horizontal diffusion of tracer for the nonlinear model and adjoint-based algorithms.
    MUD_TNU2 == 0.0d0 0.0d0  ! m2/s
    MUD_TNU4 == 0.0d0 0.0d0  ! m4/s

    ad_MUD_TNU2 == 0.0d0 0.0d0  ! m2/s
    ad_MUD_TNU4 == 0.0d0 0.0d0  ! m4/s
  • Logical switches to increase horizontal diffusivity of cohesive sediment trace in specific areas of the application domain (like sponge areas) for the desired grid.
    MUD_Sponge == F F
  • Vertical mixing coefficients for tracers in nonlinear model and basic state scale factor in adjoint-based algorithms.
    MUD_AKT_BAK == 5.0d-6 5.0d-6  ! m2/s
    MUD_AKT_fac == 2*1.0d0  ! nondimensional
  • Nudging/relaxation time scales, inverse scales will be computed internally.
    MUD_TNUDG == 0.0d0 0.0d0  ! days
  • Morphological time scale factor (greater than or equal to 1.0). A value of 1.0 has no scale effect.
    MUD_MORPH_FAC == 1.0d0 1.0d0  ! nondimensional
  • Logical switch to specify which variables to consider on tracers point Sources/Sinks (like river runoff). [1:NCS,Ngrids] values expected.
MUD_Ltsrc == F F
  • Logical switches to specify which variables to process for tracers climatology: [1:NCS,Ngrids] values expected.
MUD_Ltclm == F F
  • Logical switches to nudge the desired cohesive sediment tracer climatology field. If not analytical climatology fields, users need to turn on the logical switches above to process the fields from the climatology NetCDF file that are needed for nudging.
    MUD_Tnudge == F F
  • Logical switches to activate writing of cohesive sediment into output history file.
Hout(idmud) == T  ! mud_01, ... suspended concentration
Hout(iMfrac) == T  ! mudfrac_01, ... bed layer fraction
Hout(iMmass) == T  ! mudmass_01, ... bed layer mass
Hout(iMUbld) == T  ! bedload_Umud_01, ... bed load at U-points
Hout(iMVbld) == T  ! bedload_Vmud_01, ... bed load at V-points
  • Logical switches to activate writing of time-averaged, cohesive sediment fields into averages output file.
Aout(idmud) == T  ! mud_01, ... suspended concentration

Aout(iMTTav) == T  ! mud_01_2, ... quadratic <t*t> tracer terms
Aout(iMUTav) == T  ! u_mud_01, ... quadratic <u*t> tracer terms
Aout(iMVTav) == T  ! v_mud_01, ... quadratic <v*t> tracer terms
Aout(MHUTav) == T  ! Huon_mud_01, ... tracer volume flux, <Huon*t>
Aout(MHVTav) == T  ! Hvom_mud_01, ... tracer volume flux, <Hvom*t>

Aout(iMUbld) == T  ! bedload_Umud_01, ... bed load at U-points
Aout(iMVbld) == T  ! bedload_Vmud_01, ... bed load at V-points
  • Logical switches to activate writing of time-averaged, cohesive sediment diagnostic terms into output diagnostics file.
Dout(MTrate) == T  ! mud_01_rate, ... time rate of change
Dout(MThadv) == T  ! mud_01_hadv, ... horizontal total advection
Dout(MTxadv) == T  ! mud_01_xadv, ... horizontal XI-advection
Dout(MTyadv) == T  ! mud_01_yadv, ... horizontal ETA-advection
Dout(MTvadv) == T  ! mud_01_vadv, ... vertical advection
Dout(MThdif) == T  ! mud_01_hdiff, ... horizontal total diffusion
Dout(MTxdif) == T  ! mud_01_xdiff, ... horizontal XI-diffusion
Dout(MTydif) == T  ! mud_01_ydiff, ... horizontal ETA-diffusion
Dout(MTsdif) == T  ! mud_01_sdiff, ... horizontal S-diffusion
Dout(MTvdif) == T  ! mud_01_vdiff, ... vertical diffusion