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Flow and elevation, eastern/western boundaries: <br>
Flow and elevation, eastern/western boundaries: <br>

Reference velocity <math>u_{0} \,= \,0.5 \,m/s</math><br>
Celerity <math>C \,= \sqrt{g * 20.0}</math><br>
Reference water level <math>\zeta_{0} \,= \,u_{0}/\sqrt{g/20}</math><br>
Wave period T = 12 hours (43200 seconds)<br>
Wave length L = C * T <br>
Wave number k = (2 * π)/L  <br>


Revision as of 20:09, 11 April 2008

Sediment Test Headland Case

This test case checks the ability of a model to represent 1) simplified alongshore transport, 2) implementation of open boundary conditions, and 3) resuspension, transport, and deposition of suspended-sediment. This case is based on Signell and Geyer (1991) Journal of Geophysical Research 96(C2): 2561-2575.

Test case 4.gif


The model domain is open at the east and west ends, has a straight wall at the north end, and a parabolic headland along the south wall.

Model Parameter Variable Value
Length (east-west) 100000 m
Width (north-south) 50000 m
Depth 20 m

Bottom Sediment

Single grain size on bottom:

Size 0.1 mm
Settling Velocity 0.5 mm/s
Critical Shear Stress
Bed Thickness 0.005 m
Erosion Rate


Coriolis f = 1.0 e-4
No heating/cooling
No wind

Initial Conditions

Salinity = 0
Temperature =

Depths increase linearly (slope = 0.0067) from a minimum depth of 2 m at all alongshore points from the southern land boundary offshore to a maximum depth of 20 m at a point 3 km offshore. Offshore of 3 km there is a constant depth of 20 m.

Boundary Conditions

North, south = walls with no fluxes, no friction
South wall = parabolic headland shape
Bottom roughness

Flow and elevation at western boundary is imposed.
Flow on eastern boundary is open radiation condition, or water level based, or Kelvin wave solution.

Flow and elevation, eastern/western boundaries:

Reference velocity
Reference water level
Wave period T = 12 hours (43200 seconds)
Wave length L = C * T
Wave number k = (2 * π)/L


Figure 1. Plan view of final bathymetric change.

Simulations were conducted for 3.0 days. Final bed thickness is shown in Figure 1.