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The following references list follows the the American Meteorological Society (AMS) guidelines for citation style ([http://www.ametsoc.org/pubs/Authorsguide/pdf_vs/agbrf2002.pdf PDF]).
<div class="title">Bibliography</div>
The following references list follows the the American Meteorological Society (AMS) guidelines for citation style ([http://www.ametsoc.org/pubs/Authorsguide/pdf_vs/agbrf2002.pdf PDF]).  
<!-- The automatic table of contents is disabled here to allow a simplified table -->
<table id="toc" class="toc" summary="Contents">
<tr><td colspan="26"><h2>Contents</h2></tr>
<td class="alphabetlist">[[#A|A]]</td>
<td class="alphabetlist">[[#B|B]]</td>
<td class="alphabetlist">[[#C|C]]</td>
<td class="alphabetlist">[[#D|D]]</td>
<td class="alphabetlist">[[#E|E]]</td>
<td class="alphabetlist">[[#F|F]]</td>
<td class="alphabetlist">[[#G|G]]</td>
<td class="alphabetlist">[[#H|H]]</td>
<td class="alphabetlist">[[#I|I]]</td>
<td class="alphabetlist">[[#J|J]]</td>
<td class="alphabetlist">[[#K|K]]</td>
<td class="alphabetlist">[[#L|L]]</td>
<td class="alphabetlist">[[#M|M]]</td>
<td class="alphabetlist">[[#N|N]]</td>
<td class="alphabetlist">[[#O|O]]</td>
<td class="alphabetlist">[[#P|P]]</td>
<td class="alphabetlist">[[#Q|Q]]</td>
<td class="alphabetlist">[[#R|R]]</td>
<td class="alphabetlist">[[#S|S]]</td>
<td class="alphabetlist">[[#T|T]]</td>
<td class="alphabetlist">[[#U|U]]</td>
<td class="alphabetlist">[[#V|V]]</td>
<td class="alphabetlist">[[#W|W]]</td>
<td class="alphabetlist">[[#X|X]]</td>
<td class="alphabetlist">[[#Y|Y]]</td>
<td class="alphabetlist">[[#Z|Z]]</td>

==<span class="alphabet">A</span>==

Allen, S. E., M. S. Dinniman, J. M. Klinck, B. M. Hickey, D. D. Gorby, A. J. Hewett, 2003: On vertical advection truncation errors in terrain following numerical models: Comparison to a laboratory model for upwelling over submarine canyons, ''J. Geophys. Res.'', '''108''' (C1), 1-16, doi:10.1029/2001JC000978. ([http://marine.rutgers.edu/po/Papers/Allen_JGR_2001JC000978.pdf PDF])
<span id="AllenJS_1995"></span>Allen, J. S., P. A. Newberger, and J. Federiuk, 1995: Upwelling circulation on the Oregon continental shelf. Part I: Response to Idealized Forcing, ''J. Phys. Oceanogr.'', '''25''', 1843-1866.

Arakawa, A. and V. R. Lamb, 1977: ''Methods of computational physics'', Academic Press, 174-265.
<span id="AllenSE_2003a"></span>Allen, S. E., M. S. Dinniman, J. M. Klinck, B. M. Hickey, D. D. Gorby, A. J. Hewett, 2003: On vertical advection truncation errors in terrain following numerical models: Comparison to a laboratory model for upwelling over submarine canyons, ''J. Geophys. Res.'', '''108''' (C1), 1-16, doi:10.1029/2001JC000978. ([http://marine.rutgers.edu/po/Papers/Allen_JGR_2001JC000978.pdf PDF])

Arango, H. G., A. M. Moore, A. J. Miller, B. D. Cornuelle, E. Di Lorenzo, and D. J. Neilson, 2003: The ROMS Tangent Linear and Adjoint Models: A comprehensive ocean prediction and analysis system, ''IMCS Technical Reports, Rutgers Univeristy'', 69pp. ([http://marine.rutgers.edu/po/Papers/roms_adjoint.pdf PDF])
<span id="ArakawaA_1977a"></span>Arakawa, A. and V. R. Lamb, 1977: ''Methods of computational physics'', Academic Press, 174-265.

<span id="ArangoHG_2003a"></span>Arango, H. G., A. M. Moore, A. J. Miller, B. D. Cornuelle, E. Di Lorenzo, and D. J. Neilson, 2003: The ROMS Tangent Linear and Adjoint Models: A comprehensive ocean prediction and analysis system, ''IMCS Technical Reports, Rutgers University'', 69pp. ([http://marine.rutgers.edu/po/Papers/roms_adjoint.pdf PDF])

Budgell, W.P., 2005: Numerical simulation of ice-ocean variability in the Barents Sea region, ''Ocean Dynamics'', DOI 10.1007/s10236-005-0008-3. ([http://marine.rutgers.edu/po/Papers/Budgell_od.pdf PDF])
<span id="ArbicBK_2004a"></span>Arbic, B.K., Garner, S.T., Hallberg, R.W. and Simmons, H.L., 2004. The accuracy of surface elevations in forward global barotropic and baroclinic tide models. ''Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography'', '''51'''(25-26), pp. 3069-3101.

<span id="ArbicBK_2018a"></span>Arbic, B.K., Alford, M.H., Ansong, J.K., Buijsman, M.C., Ciotti, R.B., Farrar, J.T., Hallberg, R.W., Henze, C.E., Hill, C.N., Luecke, C.A. and Menemenlis, D., 2018. Primer on Global Internal Tide and Internal Gravity Wave Continuum Modeling in HYCOM and MITgcm. In: New Frontiers in Operational Oceanography, E. Chassignet, A. Pascual, J. Tintoré and J. Verron (Eds.), GODAE OceanView, 307-392, doi: 10.17125/gov2018.ch13

Canuto, V. M., A. Howard, Y. Cheng, M. S. Dubovikov, 2001: Ocean turbulence I: one-point closure model. Momentum and heat vertical diffusivities, ''J. Phys. Oceanogr.'', '''31''', 1413-1426.
==<span class="alphabet">B</span>==

Chapman, S. J., 2004: ''Fortan 90/95 for Scientists and Engineers''. Second Edition. McGraw-Hill. 814 pp.
<span id="Batchelor67"></span>Batchelor, G. K., 1967: ''An introduction to fluid dynamics'', Cambridge University Press.

Chassignet, E. P., H. G. Arango, D. Dietrich, T. Ezer, M. Ghil, D. B. Haidvogel C.-C. Ma, A. Mehra, A. M. Paiva, Z. Sirkes, 2000: DAMEE-NAB: The Base Experiments, ''Dyn. Atmos. Oceans'', '''32''', 155-183.  ([http://marine.rutgers.edu/po/Papers/damee_rev.pdf PDF])
<span id="BissettWP_1999a"></span>Bissett, W.P., J.J. Walsh, D.A. Dieterle, K.L. Carder, 1999a: Carbon cycling in the upper waters of the Sargasso Sea: I. Numerical  simulation of differential carbon and nitrogen fluxes, ''Deep-Sea Res.'', '''46''', 205-269.

Chua, B. S. and A. F. Bennett, 2001: An inverse ocean modeling system, ''Ocean Modelling'', '''3''', 137-165. ([http://marine.rutgers.edu/po/Papers/ioms_oc.pdf PDF])
<span id="BissettWP_1999b"></span>Bissett, W. P., K. L. Carder, J. J. Walsh, D. A. Dieterle, 1999b: Carbon cycling in the upper waters of the Sargasso Sea: II. Numerical  simulation  of  apparent  and  inherent optical properties, ''Deep-Sea Res.'', '''46''', 271-317.  

<span id="BissettWP_2005a"></span>Bissett, W., Arnone, R., DeBra, S., Dieterle, D., Dye, D., Kirkpatrick, G., Schofield, O. and Vargo, G., 2005. Predicting the optical properties of the West Florida Shelf: Resolving the potential impacts of a terrestrial boundary condition on the distribution of colored dissolved and particulate matter. ''Marine Chemistry'', '''95(3-4)''', 199-233.

Di Lorenzo, E., 2003: Seasonal dynamics of the surface circulation in the southern California Current System, ''Deep-Sea Res., Part II'', '''50''', 2371-2388.
<span id="BooijN_1999a"></span>Booij, N., R. C. Ris, and L. H. Holthuijsen, 1999: A third-generation wave model for coastal regions. Part I - Model description and validation. ''Journal of Geophysical Research'', '''104''', 7649-7666.

Dinniman, M. S. and J. M. Klinck, 2002: The influence of open versus periodic alongshore boundaries on circulations near submarine canyons, ''J. Atmos. Oceanic Tech.'', '''19''', 1722-1737 ([http://marine.rutgers.edu/po/Papers/Dinniman_jtech02.pdf PDF])
<span id="BudgellWP_2005a"></span>Budgell, W.P., 2005: Numerical simulation of ice-ocean variability in the Barents Sea region, ''Ocean Dynamics'', DOI 10.1007/s10236-005-0008-3. ([http://marine.rutgers.edu/po/Papers/Budgell_od.pdf PDF])

Dinniman, M. S., J. M. Klinck, and W. O. Smith Jr., 2003: Cross shelf exchange in a model of the Ross Sea circulation and biogeochemistry, ''Deep-Sea Res., Part II'', '''50''', 3103-3120. ([http://marine.rutgers.edu/po/Papers/DSRII1415.pdf PDF])
<span id="BurchardH_2001a"></span>Burchard, H., 2001: Simulating the wave-enhanced layer under breaking surface waves with two-equation turbulence models, ''J. Phys. Oceanogr.'', '''31''', 3133-3145.

Dinniman, M. S. and J. M. Klinck, 2004: A model study of circulation and cross shelf exchange on the west Antarctic Peninsula continental shelf,  ''Deep-Sea Res., Part II'', '''51''', 2003-2022. ([http://marine.rutgers.edu/po/Papers/DSRII1415.pdf PDF])
==<span class="alphabet">C</span>==

Durski, S. M., S. M. Glenn, D. B. Haidvogel, 2004: Vertical mixing schemes in the coastal ocean: Comparison of the Level 2.5 Mellor-Yamada scheme with an enhanced version of the K-profile parameterization, ''J. Geophys. Res.'', '''109''', C01015, doi:10.1029/2002JC001702. ([http://marine.rutgers.edu/po/Papers/Durski_JGR04.pdf PDF])
<span id="CanutoVM_2001a"></span>Canuto, V. M., A. Howard, Y. Cheng, M. S. Dubovikov, 2001: Ocean turbulence I: one-point closure model. Momentum and heat vertical diffusivities, ''J. Phys. Oceanogr.'', '''31''', 1413-1426.

<span id="Chapman_1985"></span>Chapman, D. C., 1985: Numerical treatment of cross-shelf open boundaries in a barotropic coastal ocean model, ''J. Phys. Oceanogr.'', '''15''', 1060--1075.

Ezer, T., H. G. Arango and A. F. Shchepetkin, 2002: Developments in terrain-following ocean models: intercomparisons of numerical aspects, ''Ocean Modelling'', '''4''', 249-267. ([http://marine.rutgers.edu/po/Papers/ezer_etal_2002.pdf PDF])
<span id="ChapmanSJ_2004a"></span>Chapman, S. J., 2004: ''Fortran 90/95 for Scientists and Engineers''. Second Edition. McGraw-Hill. 814 pp.

<span id="ChassignetEP_2000a"></span>Chassignet, E. P., H. G. Arango, D. Dietrich, T. Ezer, M. Ghil, D. B. Haidvogel C.-C. Ma, A. Mehra, A. M. Paiva, Z. Sirkes, 2000: DAMEE-NAB: The Base Experiments, ''Dyn. Atmos. Oceans'', '''32''', 155-183.  ([http://marine.rutgers.edu/po/Papers/damee_rev.pdf PDF])

Fairall, C. W., E. F. Bradley, D. P. Rogers, J. B. Edson and G. S. Young, 1996: Bulk parameterization of air-sea fluxes for tropical ocean-global atmosphere Coupled-Ocean Atmosphere Response Experiment, ''J. Geophys. Res.'', '''101''', 3747-3764
<span id="ChoiBJ_2006a"></span>Choi, B.-J., and J. L. Wilkin, 2006a: The effect of wind on the dispersal of the Hudson River plume, ''J. Phys. Oceanogr.'', '''37''', 1878-1897. ([http://marine.rutgers.edu/%7Ewilkin/ChoiWilkin_JPO2007.pdf PDF])

Fennel, K., J. Wilkin, J. Levin, J. Moisan, J. O'Reilly, and D. Haidvogel, 2006: Nitrogen cycling in the Middle Atlantic Bight: Results from a three-dimensional model and implications for the North Atlantic nitrogen budget, ''Global Biogeochem. Cycles'', '''20''', GB3007, doi:10.1029/2005GB002456. ([http://marine.rutgers.edu/po/Papers/Fennel_etal_gbc.pdf PDF])  
<span id="ChuaBS_2001a"></span>Chua, B. S. and A. F. Bennett, 2001: An inverse ocean modeling system, ''Ocean Modelling'', '''3''', 137-165. ([http://marine.rutgers.edu/po/Papers/ioms_oc.pdf PDF])

Freeman, N. G., A. M. Hale, and M. B. Danard, 1972: A modified sigma equations' approach to the numerical modeling of great lake hydrodynamics, ''J. Geophys. Res.'', '''77''', 1050-1060.
==<span class="alphabet">D</span>==

<span id="DaleyR_1991a"></span>Daley, R., 1991: Atmospheric Data Analysis, ''Cambridge Atmospheric and Space Science Series'', Cambridge University Press, 457 pages.

Galperin, B., L. H. Kantha, S. Hassid, and A. Rosati, 1988: A quasi-equilibrium turbulent energy model for geophysical flows, ''J. Atmos. Sci.'', '''45''', 55-62.
<span id="DeanR_1991a"></span>Dean, R. G., and R. A. Dalrymple, 1991: ''Water Wave Mechanics for Engineers and Scientists''. World Scientific, 353 pp.

<span id="DekshenieksM_1993a"></span>Dekshenieks, M.M., E.E. Hofmann, and E.N. Powell, 1993: Environmental effect on the growth and development of Eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin, 1791), larvae: A modeling study, ''J. Shelfish Res'', '''12''', 241-254.

Haidvogel, D. B. and A. Beckmann, 1999: ''Numerical Ocean Circulation Modeling''. Series on Environmental Science and Management, Vol. '''2''', Imperial College Press, 319 pp.
<span id="DekshenieksM_1996a"></span>Dekshenieks, M.M., E.E. Hofmann, J.M. Klinck, and E.N. Powell, 1996: Modeling the vertical distribution of oyster larvae in response to environmental conditions, ''Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser.'', '''136''', 97-110.

Haidvogel, D. B., H. G. Arango, K. Hedstrom, A. Beckmann, P. Malanotte-Rizzoli, and A. F. Shchepetkin, 2000: Model evaluation experiments in the North Atlantic Basin: Simulations in nonlinear terrain-following coordinates, ''Dyn. Atmos. Oceans'', '''32''', 239-281. ([http://marine.rutgers.edu/po/Papers/damee_roms1.pdf PDF])
<span id="DekshenieksM_1997a"></span>Dekshenieks, M.M., E.E. Hofmann, J.M. Klinck, and E.N. Powell, 1997: A modeling study of the effect of size- and depth-dependent predation on larval survival, ''J.Plankton Res.'', '''19''', (11), 1583-1598.

Hakkinen, S. and G. L. Mellor, 1992: Modeling the seasonal variability of a coupled arctic ice-ocean system, ''J. Geophys. Res.'', '''97''', 20285-20304.
<span id="DiLorenzoE_2003a"></span>Di Lorenzo, E., 2003: Seasonal dynamics of the surface circulation in the southern California Current System, ''Deep-Sea Res., Part II'', '''50''', 2371-2388.

Hibler, III, W. D., 1979: A dynamic thermodynamic sea ice model, ''J. Phys. Oceanogr.'', '''9''', 815-846.
<span id="DiLorenzoE_2006a"></span>Di Lorenzo, E., A.M. Moore, H.G. Arango, B.D. Cornuelle, A.J. Miller, B. Powell, B.S. Chua, and A.F. Bennett, 2006: Weak and Strong Constraint Data Assimilation in the inverse Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS): development and applications for a baroclinic costal upwelling system, ''Ocean Modelling'', in press.

Hunke, E. C., 2001: Viscous-plastic sea ice dynamics with the EVP model: linearization issues, ''J. Comp. Phys.'', '''170''', 18-38.
<span id="DinnimanMS_2002a"></span>Dinniman, M. S. and J. M. Klinck, 2002: The influence of open versus periodic alongshore boundaries on circulations near submarine canyons, ''J. Atmos. Oceanic Tech.'', '''19''', 1722-1737 ([http://marine.rutgers.edu/po/Papers/Dinniman_jtech02.pdf PDF])

Hunke, E. C. and J. K. Dukowicz, 1997: An elastic-viscous-plastic model for sea ice dynamics, ''J. Phys. Oceanogr.'', '''27''', 1849-1868.
<span id="DinnimanMS_2003a"></span>Dinniman, M. S., J. M. Klinck, and W. O. Smith Jr., 2003: Cross shelf exchange in a model of the Ross Sea circulation and biogeochemistry, ''Deep-Sea Res., Part II'', '''50''', 3103-3120. ([http://marine.rutgers.edu/po/Papers/DSRII1415.pdf PDF])

<span id="DinnimanMS_2004a"></span>Dinniman, M. S. and J. M. Klinck, 2004: A model study of circulation and cross shelf exchange on the west Antarctic Peninsula continental shelf,  ''Deep-Sea Res., Part II'', '''51''', 2003-2022. ([http://marine.rutgers.edu/po/Papers/DSRII1415.pdf PDF])

<span id="DoodsonAT_1941a"></span>Doodson, A.T. and Warburg, H.D., 1941. Admiralty Manual of Tides. His Majesty’s Stationery Office, London, UK, 270 pp.

<span id="DoyleJD_2009"></span>Doyle, J. D., Q. Jiang, and J. Farrara, 2009: High-resolution atmospheric modeling over the Monterrey Bay during AOSN II,  ''Deep-Sea Res., Part II'', '''56''', 87-99.

Kantha, L.H., C.A. Clayson, 1994: Nermerical Models of Oceans and Oceanic Processes. In: ''International Geophysics Series'', Vol. '''66'''. Academic Press, San Diego. 940 pp.
<span id="DurskiSM_2004a"></span>Durski, S. M., S. M. Glenn, D. B. Haidvogel, 2004: Vertical mixing schemes in the coastal ocean: Comparison of the Level 2.5 Mellor-Yamada scheme with an enhanced version of the K-profile parameterization, ''J. Geophys. Res.'', '''109''', C01015, doi:10.1029/2002JC001702. ([http://marine.rutgers.edu/po/Papers/Durski_JGR04.pdf PDF])

Kosters, F., 2004: Denmark Strait overflow: Comparing model results and hydraulic transport estimates, ''J. Geophys. Res.'', '''109''', C10011, doi:10.1029/2004JC002297. ([http://marine.rutgers.edu/po/Papers/Kosters_2004_jgr.pdf PDF])
==<span class="alphabet">E</span>==

<span id="EgbertGD_2017a"></span>Egbert, G.D. and Ray, R.D., 2017. Tidal prediction. ''Journal of Marine Research'', '''75'''(3), pp.189-237.

Large, W. G., J. C. McWilliams, and S. C. Doney, 1994: Oceanic vertical mixing: a review and a model with a nonlocal boundary layer parameterization, ''Rev. Geophys.'', '''32''', 363-403.
<span id="EzerT_2002a"></span>Ezer, T., H. G. Arango and A. F. Shchepetkin, 2002: Developments in terrain-following ocean models: intercomparisons of numerical aspects, ''Ocean Modelling'', '''4''', 249-267. ([http://marine.rutgers.edu/po/Papers/ezer_etal_2002.pdf PDF])

==<span class="alphabet">F</span>==

MacCready, P. and W. R. Geyer, 2001: Estuarine salt flux through an isohaline surface, ''J. Geophys. Res.'', '''106''' (C6), 11629-11637. ([http://marine.rutgers.edu/po/Papers/2001JC900006.pdf PDF])
<span id="FairallCW_1996a"></span>Fairall, C. W., E. F. Bradley, D. P. Rogers, J. B. Edson and G. S. Young, 1996: Bulk parameterization of air-sea fluxes for tropical ocean-global atmosphere Coupled-Ocean Atmosphere Response Experiment, ''J. Geophys. Res.'', '''101''', 3747-3764.

Malanotte-Rizzoli, P., K. Hedstrom, H.G. Arango, and D.B. Haidvogel, 2000: Water mass pathways between the subtropical and tropical ocean in a climatological simulation of the North Atlantic ocean circulation,  ''Dyn. Atmos. Oceans'', '''32''', 331-371. ([http://marine.rutgers.edu/po/Papers/damee_roms2.pdf PDF])
<span id="FairallCW_2003"></span>Fairall, C. W., E. F. Bradley, J. E. Hare, A. A. Grachev and J. B. Edson (2003): Bulk parameterization of air-sea fluxes: Updates and verification for the COARE algorithm. ''J. Clim.'', '''16 (4)''' 571-591, doi: 10.1175/1520-0442(2003)016<0571:BPOASF>2.0.CO;2.

Marchesiello, P., J. C. McWilliams, A. F. Shchepetkin, 2001: Open boundary conditions for long-term integration of regional ocean models, ''Ocean Modelling'', '''3''', 1-20. ([http://marine.rutgers.edu/po/Papers/obc_oc.pdf PDF])
<span id="FashamMJR_1990a"></span>Fasham, M. J. R., H. W. Ducklow, and S. M. McKelvie, 1990: A nitrogen-based model of plankton dynamics in the oceanic mixed layer, ''J. Mar. Res.'', '''48''', 591-639.        

Marchesiello, P., J. C. McWilliams, and A. Shchepetkin, 2003: Equilibrium structure and dynamics of the California Current System, ''J. Phys. Oceanogr.'', '''33''', 753-783. ([http://marine.rutgers.edu/po/Papers/CCS_jpo03.pdf PDF])
<span id="Fedorov_1988"></span>Fedorov, K. N., 1988: Layer thicknesses and effective diffusivities in the diffusive thermocline convection in the ocean, In J.C.J. Nihoul and B.M. Jamart, editors, ''Small-scale turbulence and mixing in the ocean'', pages 471-479, Elsevier, New York.  

Mellor, G. L. and T. Yamada, 1982: Developement of a turbulence closure model for geophysical fluid problems, ''Rev. Geophys. Space Phys.'', '''20''', 851-875.
<span id="FennelK_2008a"></span>Fennel, K., J. Wilkin, M. Previdi, R. Najjar, 2008: Denitrification effects on air-sea CO<sub>2</sub> flux in the coastal ocean: Simulations for the Northwest North Atlantic, ''Geophys. Res. Let.'', '''35''', L24608. ([http://www.myroms.org/Papers/Fennel_GRL_2008.pdf PDF])

Mellor, G. L. and L. Kantha, 1989: An ice-ocean coupled model, ''J. Geophys. Res.'', '''94''', 10,937-10,954.
<span id="FennelK_2006a"></span>Fennel, K., J. Wilkin, J. Levin, J. Moisan, J. O'Reilly, and D. Haidvogel, 2006: Nitrogen cycling in the Middle Atlantic Bight: Results from a three-dimensional model and implications for the North Atlantic nitrogen budget, ''Global Biogeochem. Cycles'', '''20''', GB3007, doi:10.1029/2005GB002456. ([http://www.myroms.org/Papers/Fennel_etal_gbc.pdf PDF])

Moore, A. M., H. G. Arango, A. J. Miller, B. D. Cornuelle, E. Di Lorenzo and D. J. Neilson, 2004: A Comprehensive Ocean Prediction and Analysis System Based on the Tangent Linear and Adjoint Components of a Regional Ocean Model, ''Ocean Modelling'', '''7''', 227-258. ([http://marine.rutgers.edu/po/Papers/Moore_2004_om.pdf PDF])
<span id="FiechterJ_2009a"></span>Fiechter, J., A.M. Moore, C.A. Edwards, K.W. Bruland, E. Di Lorenzo, C.V.W. Lewis, T.M. Powell, E. Curchitser, and K. Hedstrom, 2009: Modeling iron limitation of primary production in the coastal Gulf of Alaska, ''Deep_Sea Res. II'', '''56'''(24), 2503-2519. ([http://www.myroms.org/Papers/Fiechter_DSRII_2009.pdf PDF])  

<span id="FisherM_1995a"></span>Fisher, M. and P. Courtier, 1995:  Estimating the covariance matrices of analysis and forecast error in variational data assimilation, ECMWF Technical Memo N. 220, ECMWF,  Reading, UK. [http://www.ecmwf.int/publications/library/ecpublications/_pdf/tm/001-300/tm220.pdf PDF]

<span id="FisherM_1997a"></span>Fisher, M., 1997: Efficient minimization of quadratic penalty functions.
Unpublished manuscript.

<span id="FisherM_1998a"></span>Fisher, M., 1998: Minimization algorithms for variational data assimilation.
''Recent Developments in Numerical Methods for Atmospheric Modelling'', ECMWF
publication, 364-385.

Peliz, A., J. Dubert, D. B. Haidvogel, 2003: Subinertial Response of a Density-Driven Eastern Boundary Poleward Current to Wind Forcing, ''J. Phys. Oceanogr.'', '''33''', 1633-1650. ([http://marine.rutgers.edu/po/Papers/Peliz_jpo03.pdf PDF])
<span id="Flather_1976"></span>Flather, R. A., 1976: A tidal model of the northwest European continental shelf.
''"Memoires de la Societe Royale de Sciences de Liege'', '''6''', 141-164.

Peliz, A., J. Dubert, D. B. Haidvogel, and B. Le Cann, 2003: Generation and unstable evolution of a density-driven Eastern Poleward Current: The Iberian Poleward Current, ''J. Geophys. Res.'', '''108''' (C8), 3268, doi:10.1029/2002JC001443. ([http://marine.rutgers.edu/po/Papers/Peliz_jpo03.pdf PDF])
<span id="FranksPJS_1986a"></span>Franks, P. J. S., J. S. Wroblewski, and G. R. Flierl, 1986: Behavior of simple plankton model with food-level acclimation by herbivores, ''Mar. Biol.'', '''91''', 121-129.                                                      

Penven, P., C. Roy, A. Colin de Verdiere and J. Largier, 2000: Simulation of a coastal jet retention process using a barotropic model, ''Oceanology Acta'', ''23''(5), 615-634. ([http://marine.rutgers.edu/po/Papers/oceano_act_2000_23_5.pdf PDF])
<span id="FreemanNG_1972a"></span>Freeman, N. G., A. M. Hale, and M. B. Danard, 1972: A modified sigma equations' approach to the numerical modeling of great lake hydrodynamics, ''J. Geophys. Res.'', '''77''', 1050-1060.

Penven, P., C. Roy, J.R.E. Lutjeharms, A. Colin de Verdiere, A. Johnson, F. Shillington, P. Freon and G. Brundrit, 2001:  A regional hydrodynamic model of the Southern Benguela, ''S. Afr. J. Sci. Res. Letters'', '''97''', 1-4. ([http://marine.rutgers.edu/po/Papers/s_afr_j_sci_2001_97_11-12.pdf PDF])
==<span class="alphabet">G</span>==

Penven, P., J. R. E. Lutjeharms, P. Marchesiello, C. Roy and S. J. Weeks, 2001: Generation of cyclonic eddies by the Agulhas Current in the lee of the Agulhas Bank, ''Geophys. Res. Letters'', '''27''', 1055-1058. ([http://marine.rutgers.edu/po/Papers/grl_2001_28_6.pdf PDF])
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