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Hurricane Irene was the first major hurricane of the 2011 Atlantic hurricane season, as shown below. This coupled simulation is only run for 42 hours as it approaches the U.S. east coast on August 27, 2011. The WRF and ROMS grids are incongruent so the DATA model provides the SST values to WRF at locations not covered by the ROMS grid. This test case uses ESMF/NUOPC coupling to create a DATA-WRF-ROMS coupling application.
Hurricane Irene was the first major hurricane of the 2011 Atlantic hurricane season, as shown below. This coupled simulation is only run for 42 hours as it approaches the U.S. east coast on August 27, 2011. The WRF and ROMS grids are incongruent so the DATA model provides the SST values to WRF at locations not covered by the ROMS grid. This test case uses ESMF/NUOPC coupling to create a DATA-WRF-ROMS coupling application.
[[Image:2011_Atlantic_hurricane_tracks.png| 800px]]

The WRF and ROMS timesteps are 20 and 60 seconds, respectively, for stable solutions due to the strong hurricane winds. The coupling step is 60 seconds (same as ROMS). The WRF values are averaged every 60 seconds by activating its RAMS averaged diagnostics package.
The WRF and ROMS timesteps are 20 and 60 seconds, respectively, for stable solutions due to the strong hurricane winds. The coupling step is 60 seconds (same as ROMS). The WRF values are averaged every 60 seconds by activating its RAMS averaged diagnostics package.
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* WRF NetCDF files:<div class="box">irene_wrf_his_d01_2011-08-27_06_00_00.nc      hourly history</div>
* WRF NetCDF files:<div class="box">irene_wrf_his_d01_2011-08-27_06_00_00.nc      hourly history</div>

Revision as of 21:14, 17 June 2021

Test Case: Hurricane Irene

Warning Warning: This is quite a complex test using several advanced features of ROMS. It is intended for expert users of ROMS. If you are a ROMS beginner, we highly recommend staying away from this test case.


Hurricane Irene was the first major hurricane of the 2011 Atlantic hurricane season, as shown below. This coupled simulation is only run for 42 hours as it approaches the U.S. east coast on August 27, 2011. The WRF and ROMS grids are incongruent so the DATA model provides the SST values to WRF at locations not covered by the ROMS grid. This test case uses ESMF/NUOPC coupling to create a DATA-WRF-ROMS coupling application.

2011 Atlantic hurricane tracks.png

The WRF and ROMS timesteps are 20 and 60 seconds, respectively, for stable solutions due to the strong hurricane winds. The coupling step is 60 seconds (same as ROMS). The WRF values are averaged every 60 seconds by activating its RAMS averaged diagnostics package.

Grid Setup and Melding

The WRF and ROMS grids are incongruent. That is, the WRF grid is larger than the ROMS grid. Therefore, the DATA model provides SST values at the WRF grid locations not covered by the ROMS grid. Thus, both DATA and ROMS SST values are exported to WRF and must be melded to create a smooth transition at the ROMS domain boundaries. The melding is computed as:

where are the weight coefficients that guarantee a smooth transition between the ROMS and DATA values, as illustrated below.

melding weights IRENE.png

These wights are computed and plotted using the script coupling/wrf_weights.m from the ROMS Matlab repository.

ROMS Driver

The design of the ROMS coupling interface with the ESMF/NUOPC library allows both driver and component modes of operation. This test case uses the driver mode, meaning that ROMS is the main program that provides all the interfaces and logistics to couple to other ESM components. In addition, it provides NUOPC-based generic ESM component services, interaction between gridded components in terms of NUOPC cap files, connectors between components for the regridding of source and destination fields (esmf_coupler.h), input scripts, and coupling metadata management.

For more details about driver and component modes, check the ESMF wiki page.

Run Sequence

The ESMF RunSequence configuration file sets how the ESM components are connected and coupled. All the components interact with the same or different coupling time step. Usually, the connector from ROMS to ATM is explicit, whereas the connector from ATM to ROMS is semi-implicit. Often, the timestep of the atmosphere kernel is smaller than that for the ocean. Therefore, it is advantageous for the ATM model to export time-averaged fields over the coupling interval, which is the same as the ROMS timestep. It is semi-implicit because ROMS right-hand-side terms are forced with n+1/2 ATM fields because of the time-averaging. The following diagram shows the explicit and semi-implicit coupling for a DATA-ATM-ROMS system:

DATA-ATM-ROMS Semi-Implicit Avg Coupling.png
Semi-Implicit, ATM Average
# Hurricane Irene Application (single time loop)

@* # timeStep = wildcard (*)
DATA -> WRF # DATA to WRF connector bw1.png
ROMS -> WRF # ROMS to WRF connector bw2.png
WRF bw3.png
WRF -> ROMS # WRF to ROMS connector bw4.png
ROMS bw5.png

Downloading and Compiling WRF

  • Configure the build_wrf.csh (or build_wrf.sh) script:
    • set the ROMS_SRC_DIR to the location of you ROMS source code and WRF_ROOT_DIR to location of your WRF source code.
    • Make sure which_MPI and FORT are set appropriately.

  • We want to have the compiled WRF objects outside the WRF source code directory to make incorporating WRF into the coupled system easier. To do this, we use the build_wrf.csh (or build_wrf.sh) -move option. For example:
    > build_wrf.csh -j 10 -move
    • Choose the appropriate "(dmpar)" option for your compiler. For Example, we choose 15 from the list below to compile with the Intel compilers:
      1. (serial) 2. (smpar) 3. (dmpar) 4. (dm+sm) PGI (pgf90/gcc)
      5. (serial) 6. (smpar) 7. (dmpar) 8. (dm+sm) PGI (pgf90/pgcc): SGI MPT
      9. (serial) 10. (smpar) 11. (dmpar) 12. (dm+sm) PGI (pgf90/gcc): PGI accelerator
      13. (serial) 14. (smpar) 15. (dmpar) 16. (dm+sm) INTEL (ifort/icc)
      17. (dm+sm) INTEL (ifort/icc): Xeon Phi
      18. (serial) 19. (smpar) 20. (dmpar) 21. (dm+sm) INTEL (ifort/icc): Xeon (SNB with AVX mods)
      22. (serial) 23. (smpar) 24. (dmpar) 25. (dm+sm) INTEL (ifort/icc): SGI MPT
      26. (serial) 27. (smpar) 28. (dmpar) 29. (dm+sm) INTEL (ifort/icc): IBM POE
      30. (serial) 31. (dmpar) PATHSCALE (pathf90/pathcc)
      32. (serial) 33. (smpar) 34. (dmpar) 35. (dm+sm) GNU (gfortran/gcc)
      36. (serial) 37. (smpar) 38. (dmpar) 39. (dm+sm) IBM (xlf90_r/cc_r)
      40. (serial) 41. (smpar) 42. (dmpar) 43. (dm+sm) PGI (ftn/gcc): Cray XC CLE
      44. (serial) 45. (smpar) 46. (dmpar) 47. (dm+sm) CRAY CCE (ftn $(NOOMP)/cc): Cray XE and XC
      48. (serial) 49. (smpar) 50. (dmpar) 51. (dm+sm) INTEL (ftn/icc): Cray XC
      52. (serial) 53. (smpar) 54. (dmpar) 55. (dm+sm) PGI (pgf90/pgcc)
      56. (serial) 57. (smpar) 58. (dmpar) 59. (dm+sm) PGI (pgf90/gcc): -f90=pgf90
      60. (serial) 61. (smpar) 62. (dmpar) 63. (dm+sm) PGI (pgf90/pgcc): -f90=pgf90
      64. (serial) 65. (smpar) 66. (dmpar) 67. (dm+sm) INTEL (ifort/icc): HSW/BDW
      68. (serial) 69. (smpar) 70. (dmpar) 71. (dm+sm) INTEL (ifort/icc): KNL MIC
      Note Note: If you are using Intel MPI, be sure to set which_MPI to intel in your WRF build script. Otherwise, the WRF build system will use the wrong MPI compiler.

  • When asked "Compile for nesting?" you will probably want to choose 1 for basic.
  • It the build is successful, the WRF executables will be located in the Build_wrf/Bin directory.

Note Note: It is useful to define an "ltl" alias in your login script (.cshrc or .bashrc) to avoid showing all the links to data files created by the build script and needed to run WRF.

alias ltl='/bin/ls -ltHF | grep -v ^l'
alias ltl '/bin/ls -ltHF | grep -v ^l'

Configuring and Compiling ROMS

ROMS is the driver of the coupling system. In this application the WRF surface Boundary Layer (SBL) formulation is used to compute the atmospheric fluxes. Therefore, bulk_flux = 0 in either build_roms.csh or build_roms.sh.

Notice that bulk_flux = 1 activates ROMS CPP options: BULK_FLUXES, COOL_SKIN, WIND_MINUS_CURRENT, EMINUSP, and LONGWAVE_OUT. The option bulk_flux = 1 in the ROMS build script IS NOT RECOMMENDED FOR THIS APPLICATION because the bulk_flux.F module is not tuned for Hurricane regimes, and will get the wrong solution.

Note Note: The following important CPP options are activated in build_roms.csh or build_roms.sh:

IRENE ROMS application CPP option
DATA_COUPLING Activates DATA component
ESMF_LIB ESMF/NUOPC coupling library (version 8.0 and up)
FRC_COUPLING Activates surface forcing from coupled system
ROMS_STDOUT ROMS standard output is written into 'log.roms'
VERIFICATION Interpolates ROMS solution at observation points
WRF_COUPLING Activates WRF component (version 4.1 and up)
WRF_TIMEAVG WRF exporting 60 sec time-averaged fields

  • Correctly set MY_ROMS_SRC, COMPILERS (if necessary), which_MPI, and FORT in build_roms.csh or build_roms.sh.
  • Compile ROMS with:
    > build_roms.csh -j 10
  • Customize submit.sh for use on your system.
    • If your system uses a scheduler like SLURM:
      > sbatch submit.sh
    • If your system does not have a scheduler and your shell is BASH:
      > submit.sh > log 2>&1 &
    • If your system does not have a scheduler and your shell is CSH/TCSH:
      > submit.sh > & log &

Output Files

  • Standard output files:
    log.coupler coupler information
    log.esmf ESMF/NUOPC informatiom
    log.roms ROMS standard output
    log.wrf WRF standard error/output
    namelist.output WRF configuration parameters
  • ROMS NetCDF files:
    irene_avg.nc 6-hour averages
    irene_his.nc hourly history
    irene_mod_20110827.nc model at observation locations
    irene_qck.nc hourly surface fields quick save
    irene_rst.nc restart
  • WRF NetCDF files:
    irene_wrf_his_d01_2011-08-27_06_00_00.nc hourly history


wrf 2m temp surf pres.png