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Revision as of 01:06, 23 September 2009

Radiant Heat Fluxes

<wikitex>As was seen in Sea-Ice_Model#Thermodynamics, the model thermodynamics requires fluxes of latent and sensible heat and longwave and shortwave radiation. We follow the lead of Parkinson and Washington in computing these terms.</wikitex>

Shortwave Radiation

<wikitex> The Zillman equation for radiation under cloudless skies is: \begin{equation}

  Q_o = {S \cos^2 Z \over (\cos Z + 2.7) e \times 10^{-5} + 1.085
  \cos Z + 0.10}

\end{equation} where the variables are as in Table \ref{radvars}. The cosine of the zenith angle is computed using the formula: \begin{equation}

  \cos Z = \sin \phi \sin \delta + \cos \phi \cos \delta \cos H\!A .

\end{equation} The declination is \begin{equation}

  \delta = 23.44^{\circ} \times \cos \left[ (172 - {\rm day \, of \, year})
  \times 2 \pi / 365 \right]

\end{equation} and the hour angle is \begin{equation}

  H\!A = (12 \, {\rm hours - solar \, time}) \times \pi / 12 .

\end{equation} The correction for cloudiness is given by \begin{equation}

  SW\!\!\downarrow = Q_o ( 1 - 0.6 c^3) .

\end{equation} An estimate of the cloud fraction $c$ will be provided by Jennifer Francis (\cite{Francis00}).

Variable Value Description
$(a,b)$ (9.5, 7.66) vapor pressure constants over ice
$(a,b)$ (7.5, 35.86) vapor pressure constants over water
$c$ cloud cover fraction
$C_E$ $1.75 \times 10^{-3}$ transfer coefficient for latent heat
$C_H$ $1.75 \times 10^{-3}$ transfer coefficient for sensible heat
$c_p$ 1004 J kg$^{-1}$ K$^{-1}$ specific heat of dry air
$\delta$ declination
$e$ vapor pressure in pascals
$e_s$ saturation vapor pressure
$\epsilon$ 0.622 ratio of molecular weight of water to dry air
$H\!A$ hour angle
$L$ $2.5 \times 10^6$ J kg$^{-1}$ latent heat of vaporization
$L$ $2.834 \times 10^6$ J kg$^{-1}$ latent heat of sublimation
$\phi$ latitude
$Q_o$ incoming radiation for cloudless skies
$q_s$ surface specific humidity
$q_{10 \rm m}$ 10 meter specific humidity
$\rho_a$ air density
$S$ 1353 W m$^{-2}$ solar constant
$\sigma$ $5.67 \times 10^{-8}$ W m$^{-2}$ K$^{-4}$ Stefan-Boltzmann constant
$T_a$ air temperature
$T_d$ dew point temperature
$T_{s\!f\!c}$ surface temperature of the water/ice/snow
$V_{wg}$ geostrophic wind speed
$Z$ solar zenith angle
