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<!-- Edit Template:Plot_TOC to modify this Table of Contents-->
{{Plot TOC}}
! '''Table of Contents'''
| 1. '''[[Plotting Package Installation|Installation]]'''
| 2. '''[[Contour Plots]]'''
| 3. '''[[Cross-section Plots]]'''
| 4. '''[[Internal Plotting Parameters]]'''
| 5. '''[[Plotting Options]]'''
| 6. '''[[Plotting Fields]]'''
| 7. '''[[Raster Scripts]]'''

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;<span id="FINDX"></span>FINDX
;<span id="FINDX"></span>FINDX
:Sorecast record to process, if any (atmospheric files only).
:Forecast record to process, if any (atmospheric files only).
:'''Default Value:''' 1
:'''Default Value:''' 1

Latest revision as of 14:44, 8 July 2008

Plotting Options

Options in black apply to both Contour Plots and Cross-section Plots, those in blue apply to Contour Plots only and those in orange apply to Cross-section Plots only.

Plotting Package Menu
1. Installation
2. Contour Plots
3. Cross-section Plots
4. Internal Plotting Parameters
5. Plotting Options
6. Plotting Fields
7. Raster Scripts

This option tells the ROMS plotting package how many fields you wish to plot. Each field will will plot separately. If you wish to show two fields on a single plot see the IREF and IDOVER options. The second line for this option is a comma separated list of field IDs (FLDID).
Default Value: 1
This option tells the ROMS plotting package how many levels and/or depths to plot, 0 to plot all levels. The second line for this option is a comma separated list of levels and/or depths (FLDLEV) you wish to plot. You must have NLEVELS of levels and/or depths in your comma separated list unless you set NLEVELS to 0. If NLEVELS is set to 0 the FLDLEV list is ignored.
Default Value: 1
First day (>0) or time record (<0) to plot. Set FRSTD, LASTD and DSKIP to 0 to plot all times.
Default Value: 0
Last day (>0) or time record (<0) to plot. Set FRSTD, LASTD and DSKIP to 0 to plot all times.
Default Value: 0
Plot every other DSKIP days. If zero, the data is plotted at their own time frequency. Otherwise, if greater than zero, the data will be plotted every other DSKIP days. Set FRSTD, LASTD and DSKIP to 0 to plot all times.
Default Value: 0
Forecast record to process, if any (atmospheric files only).
Default Value: 1
Section positions: [0] grid units, [1] Cartesian, [2] spherical.
Default Value: 0
Starting section X-position in grid units, km or degrees based on the value of ISECPOS. For example, if ISECPOS is set to 1 then the units of XSEC1 will be kilometers (km).
Default Value: N/A
Starting section Y-position in grid units, km or degrees based on the value of ISECPOS. For example, if ISECPOS is set to 1 then the units of YSEC1 will be kilometers (km).
Default Value: N/A
Ending section X-position in grid units, km or degrees based on the value of ISECPOS. For example, if ISECPOS is set to 1 then the units of XSEC2 will be kilometers (km).
Default Value: N/A
Ending section Y-position in grid units, km or degrees based on the value of ISECPOS. For example, if ISECPOS is set to 1 then the units of YSEC2 will be kilometers (km).
Default Value: N/A
Section horizontal grid spacing (km or degrees).
Default Value: 1.0
Shallowest section depth to consider (meters).
Default Value: 0
Deepest section depth to consider (meters).
Default Value: N/A
Number of refinement section levels between SZTOP and SZBOT.
Default Value: N/A
Vertical interpolation: [0] linear, [1] cubic splines.
Default Value: 0
Field minimum value for color palette. If you set this to 0.0 the minimum will be calculated for each frame. This is problematic if you are trying to analyze several time steps because, since the minimum is recalculated for every frame, your plots will not have a consistent colorbar. It is recommended that you set this value to you actual minimum and not allow the plotting package to determine it for you.
Default Value: 0.0
Field maximum value for color palette. If you set this to 0.0 the minimum will be calculated for each frame. This is problematic if you are trying to analyze several time steps because, since the minimum is recalculated for every frame, your plots will not have a consistent colorbar. It is recommended that you set this value to you actual minimum and not allow the plotting package to determine it for you.
Default Value: 0.0
Draw contours between color bands: 0=no, 1=yes. This can be distracting if you have steep contours.
Default Value: 0
Iso-surface value to process. This is only used when plotting the depths of requested field isosurface: temperature, salinity, "in situ" density, sigma-t, or potential density. If plotting potential density isosurfaces, provide the reference depth value "ZREF" in internal plotting parameters file (3rd line input file).
Default Value: 0.0
Vector line width.
Default Value: 1.0
Vector length scale.
Default Value: 1.0
Vector grid sampling in the X-direction.
Default Value: 1
Vector grid sampling in the Y-direction.
Default Value: 1
Secondary or reference field option:
-2 Overlay any specified user data from fortran unit 35
-1 Overlay horizontal grid
0 No secondary or reference field to plot
1 Plot field overlay from primary file
2 Plot field overlay from secondary file
3 Primary - secondary file (field subtraction)
4 Day0 - DayN (field subtraction)
5 Primary +/- secondary (different field combination:
addition [+5] or subtraction [-5])
6 Mask OA fields by its maximum error variance tolerance
which is specified as fractional percentage in RMAX.
Default Value: 0
Overlay field identification (FLDID). Only used if IREF is set to 1 or 2.
Default Value: N/A
Level of the overlay field. Set to 0 if same as current level/depth (FLDLEV).
Default Value: 0
Overlay field minimum value to consider. If set to 0.0 The minimum will be calculated for each frame. This is problematic if you are trying to analyze several time steps because, since the minimum is recalculated for every frame, your plots will not have consistent overlay values. It is recommended that you set this value to you actual minimum and not allow the plotting package to determine it for you.
Default Value: 0.0
Overlay field maximum value to consider. If set to 0.0 The minimum will be calculated for each frame. This is problematic if you are trying to analyze several time steps because, since the maximum is recalculated for every frame, your plots will not have consistent overlay values. It is recommended that you set this value to you actual maximum and not allow the plotting package to determine it for you.
Default Value: 0.0
Desired longitude/latitude grid spacing (degrees). The grid is drawn at LGRID spacing starting from specified map lower corner. If LGRID is negative, the latitude labels in the map are rotated 90 degrees to avoid label congestion, if any.
Default Value: 1.0
Map projection. Some of the values for the projection Pole and rotation angle are suggested. Check the NCAR manual for details.
1 Cylindrical equidistant: PLON = 0, PLAT = 0, ROTA = 0
2 Mercator: PLON = ?, PLAT = 0, ROTA = 0
3 Lambert conformal conic: PLON = ?, PLAT = ?, ROTA = ?
4 Stereographic azimuthal: PLON = ?, PLAT = 90 or -90, ROTA = 0
Default Value: 2
Projection Pole longitude (west values are negative).
Default Value: N/A
Projection Pole latitude (south values are negative).
Default Value: N/A
Projection rotation angle (clockwise; degrees).
Default Value: 0.0
Flag to color mask land. Set this parameter to a value of 1=land, 2=lake, 3=island_in_lake, or 4=pond_in_island_in lake. Values greater that 1 include all previous features.
Default Value: 1
Number of plots per page/frame (currently 1, 2, or 4). When creating a contour plot you can set this parameter to a negative value (-1, -2, or -4) to activate preservation of the plot aspect ratio. Setting NPAGE to a negative value for a cross-section plot will produce an error.
Default Value: 1
Mask area below water column: [0] no, [1] yes.
Default Value: 1
Logical switch to read in positions from grid NetCDF file (sixth input file). If activated, the spatial grid positions will be computed from the specified grid or history file. The free-surface is assumed to be zero in the computation of the vertical grids. That is, there is not a time-varying grid.
Default Value: T
Logical switch draw Logo.
Default Value: F
Logical switch to write out the plot header titles.
Default Value: T
Logical switch to write out the plot bottom title.
Default Value: T
Logical switch to write out data range values and CI.
Default Value: T
Logical switch to write out input primary filename.
Default Value: F
Logical switch to write out current date.
Default Value: F
Logical switch to read and plot coastlines and islands.
Default Value: T
Latitudinal coverage. Bottom and top map latitudes (south values are negative).
Default Value: N/A
Longitudinal coverage. Left and right map longitudes (west values are negative).
Default Value: N/A

Next: Plotting Fields