Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of License_ROMS

05/08/07 23:21:32 (17 years ago)



  • License_ROMS

    v2 v3  
     25'''We describe The ROMS/TOMS Group as follows:'''
     27'''ROMS:''' Regional Ocean Modeling System[[BR]]
     28'''TOMS:''' Terrain-following Ocean Modeling System[[BR]]
     30The ROMS/TOMS Group consists of the scientists, engineers, and the members of various academic institutes, government agencies, and the general public that have contributed to the development of the ROMS/TOMS Framework and agree to the terms of the MIT/X license under which ROMS/TOMS is distributed.
     32Contributions of source code or documentation to the ROMS/TOMS Framework implies that (unless explicitly noted otherwise) the author cedes copyright of that material to the ROMS/TOMS Group and accepts the terms of the license.
     34Membership in The ROMS/TOMS group is conferred to all who contribute Software to the ROMS/TOMS Framework, and implies acceptance of the copyright and terms of the license.
     40We have gone to considerable efforts to make this release flexible in a way that a user tailors the standard source code for a given application, while simultaneously bringing the central code under svn source code management.
     42The new structure of ROMS allows user specific CPP definitions and analytical options to be set in a small number of separate standalone header files. Therefore, users no longer have to modify small blocks of code in one long file like was neccessary in previous versions of cppdefs.h and analylitical.F. This makes it easy to distribute the configuration for a specific application via a small number of source code related files plus the inputs (grid, forcing netcdf files), while allowing users of the application to keep current with central code improvements via svn. This also takes care of all licensing issues. You are free to include your own statement of your contributions in the files you distribute. The license and copyright statements by the ROMS developer group remain in the source code distributed at
     44'''There are 3 ways a user can operate:'''
     46'''Method A''' (preferred): Work with a local source code that is regularly updated with the official version at the svn repository using svn update. This will allow bug fixes and new code developments to be pushed out to users and minimize the risk of a user unwittingly working with code with known flaws. More exotic adaptations to the code are best maintained by local use of svn, so that possible conflicts with the central svn repository can be reconciled when they arise during the update process. (For example, if you give us feedback regarding a bug, and we fix it in a slightly different way than you did, you don't want that to cause trouble when you update - svn helps with this). Installing and using svn is not a big task and users already have to install perl, netcdf, mpi and their compilers, so it's not a big additional step.[[BR]]
     49'''Method B''': Users take a tagged release from our repository and hack at it for their own means, but no longer apply updates. Using this method the user risks living with bugs that are subsequently fixed, or having to make ad hoc bug fixes themselves on the basis of notices posted on the forum and/or diffs to individual subroutines. We can name many drawbacks to this approach but acknowledge that some users will go this route, and the MIT License does not prevent them from doing so. The license even technically allows them to pass malformed code along to others though you can be sure it will expose the distributor to quiet vilification among other ROMS users and developers.[[BR]]
     52'''Method C''' (Not good): We would like to strongly discourage groups from distributing the full ROMS source code tailored to user specific applications, even with the intention that the code not be subsequently modified. This will allow bugs to persist and even propagate, and denies users who adopt an application from someone else the opportunity to take full advantage of participation in the ROMS user community.[[BR]]