Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of Ticket #959

11/15/23 22:26:58 (8 months ago)


  • Ticket #959

    • Property ResolutionDone
    • Property Status reopenedclosed
  • Ticket #959 – Description

    v2 v3  
    55git -c submodule.ADCIRC.update=none clone -b feature/coastal_app --recursive
    7 Notice that we are omitting the **ADCIRC** component during the cloning since it is still private, and working with the research branch **feature/coastal_app**. This coupling capability is still under development and is complex. Thus, it is not ready for the regular user. We are currently testing the interface to connect **ROMS** to the **UFS** coupling framework.
     7Notice that we are omitting the **ADCIRC** component during the cloning since it is still private and working with the research branch **feature/coastal_app**. This coupling capability is still under development and is complex. Thus, it is not ready for the regular user. We are currently testing the interface to connect **ROMS** to the **UFS** coupling framework.
    9 An **ESM/** is provided to facilitate configuring and compiling any ROMS application.  It is currently, configured for the Hurricane Irene (**IRENE**) application.  See [ roms_test] for more information. It works for the **ROMS-DATA** coupling system using the **CDEFS** connectors or the **CMEPS** mediator. The **DATA** component is replacing the atmosphere model, and it tests **ROMS** connection to **CDEPS**, **CMEPS**, and **UFS** coupling driver.
     9An **ESM/** is provided to facilitate configuring and compiling any ROMS application.  It is currently configured for the Hurricane Irene (**IRENE**) application.  See [ roms_test] for more information. It works for the **ROMS-DATA** coupling system using the **CDEFS** connectors or the **CMEPS** mediator. The **DATA** component is replacing the atmosphere model, and it tests **ROMS** connection to **CDEPS**, **CMEPS**, and **UFS** coupling driver.
     13=== [[span(style=color: #0000FF,LAPACK/ARPACK Legacy Library:)]] ===
     15The **ARPACK** and its MPI-based parallel (**PARPACK**) version are well-tested libraries to solve large eigenvalue matrix problems. Our primary use in ROMS is to use its Implicit Restarted Arnoldi Method (**IRAM**) to solve for the Ritz eigenfunctions in several of our Tangent and Adjoint-based **propagators** that are part of the Generalized Linear Stability (**GLS**) package described in Moore ''et al.'' (2004) Ocean Modelling paper As far as I know, we cannot use a modern replacement library. Therefore, we will continue using that library when running any of the drivers of the **GLS** package.
     17However, the **ARPACK** library includes selected Linear Algebra functions from the **BLAS** and **LAPACK** libraries. In particular, we use **LAPACK**'s **DSTEQR** function to solve for the eigenvalues/eigenvectors of the tri-diagonal system used in the various 4D-Var minimizations available in ROMS.
     19Thus, I spent some time looking for a replacement.  It turns out that any modern software out there is built on top of **LAPACK** (Phyton, MATLAB, R, !SciPy, and others).  There are also bindings to **C** and **C++**.  We could use the **eigen**, written in **C++**, but it will be complicated since I will have to write and test the inter-operability mechanism in ROMS for **C++** to **Fortran 2003** and vice versa (**Fortran 2003** to **C++**).  It turns out that the **libeigen** has **BLAS** and **LAPACK** components.  See: On top of that, there are reports that the **eigen** library is much slower than Fortran libraries.  Thus, I am giving up on the **eigen** library.  It is beyond our scope.
     21I decided to adapt the functions we need from **LAPACK** into module **lapack_mod.F**, which I converted to **Fortran 2003**. It includes a total of 19 **LAPACK** functions.  I modernized the code, which had initially 41 **GOTO**s.  I managed to remove 18 of them.  The remaining 23 are located in the function **DSTEQR**.  I was able to get identical 4D-Var solutions during testing.  That eigenfunction solver is tricky, and removing the remaining **GOTO**s is dangerous. 
     23The complicated **GOTO**s are still in selected functions but can be removed from the final C-preprocessing file (**lapack_mod.f90**) by activating the CPP option **REMOVE_LAPACK_GOTOS**. For example, in the function **DLASRT** used to sort the eigenvalues, I have:
     27            DecLOOP_3 : DO                           ! forever LOOP 3
     28              DecLOOP_1 : DO                         ! forever LOOP 1
     29                J = J - 1
     30                IF (D(J) .GE. DMNMX) EXIT DecLOOP_1  ! terminate LOOP 1
     31              END DO DecLOOP_1
     33              DecLOOP_2 : DO                         ! forever LOOP 2
     34                I = I + 1
     35                IF (D(I) .LE. DMNMX) EXIT DecLOOP_2  ! terminate LOOP 2
     36              END DO DecLOOP_2
     38              IF (I .LT. J) THEN
     39                TMP = D(I)
     40                D(I) = D(J)
     41                D(J) = TMP
     42                CYCLE DecLOOP_3                      ! iterate LOOP 3
     43              ELSE
     44                EXIT DecLOOP_3                       ! terminate LOOP 3
     45              END IF
     46            END DO DecLOOP_3
     48   60       CONTINUE
     49   70       CONTINUE
     50            J = J - 1
     51            IF (D(J) .LT. DMNMX) GO TO 70
     52   80       CONTINUE
     53            I = I + 1
     54            IF (D(I) .GT. DMNMX) GO TO 80
     55            IF (I .LT. J) THEN
     56              TMP = D(I)
     57              D(I) = D(J)
     58              D(J) = TMP
     59              GO TO 60
     60            END IF
     64Notice that the above piece of code is slightly complicated.  It requires knowledge of the modern Fortran Standard and Objective-Oriented Programming principles to remove the **GOTO**s, which were unavailable in Fortran and compilers over 40 years ago.  This doesn't imply that the **LAPACK** library is incorrect and produces the wrong results.  I am keeping the original code with the **GOTO**s for reference and testing.
     66[[span(style=color: #FF0000, We no longer need the **LAPACK/ARPACK** libraries to run any 4D-Var drivers in ROMS because the functions that we need are available in our modern adaptation module **lapack_mod.F**)]].