Changes between Initial Version and Version 2 of Ticket #916

05/13/22 04:04:04 (2 years ago)


  • Ticket #916

    • Property ResolutionDone
    • Property Status newclosed
  • Ticket #916 – Description

    initial v2  
    77  -- Since the ocean needs [[span(style=color: #FF0000,net shortwave radiation flux)]], we decided to use the downward (**swdnb**) and upward (**swupb**) fluxes for clarity. Also, the time-averaged values **swdnb_mean** and **swupb_mean** are available when the RAMS diagnostics are activated for semi-implicit coupling.
    9  -- Similarly, there is downwelling longtwave flux (**lwdnb**, downward) and upwelling longwave flux (**lwupb**, upward) at the atmosphere bottom. The variable **lwupb** is basically [[span(style=color: #0000FF,''!StefBo * emiss * Tsur^4^'')]]. **Tsur** is the land and ocean temperature at the atmosphere bottom (Kelvin). Likewise, notice that the variable **glw** is equivalent to **lwdnb**. We will use **glw** because its equivalent time-averaged variable is **glw_mean** when the RAMS diagnostics are activated for semi-implicit coupling. The [[span(style=color: #FF0000,net longwave radiation flux)]], **glw** minus **lwupb**, can be positive or negative.
     9 -- Similarly, there is downwelling longwave flux (**lwdnb**, downward) and upwelling longwave flux (**lwupb**, upward) at the atmosphere bottom. The variable **lwupb** is basically [[span(style=color: #0000FF,''!StefBo * emiss * Tsur^4^'')]]. **Tsur** is the land and ocean temperature at the atmosphere bottom (Kelvin). Likewise, notice that the variable **glw** is equivalent to **lwdnb**. We will use **glw** because its equivalent time-averaged variable is **glw_mean** when the RAMS diagnostics are activated for semi-implicit coupling. The [[span(style=color: #FF0000,net longwave radiation flux)]], **glw** minus **lwupb**, can be positive or negative.
    1111 -- The variable **hfx** is the sensible heat flux (W/m^2^), and **lh** is the latent heat flux (W/m^2^). Both fluxes are **positive** and **upward** from the bottom of the atmosphere. [[span(style=color: #0000FF,Please ignore the conflicting documentation in the WRF source code for these fluxes)]]. The time-averaged values are **hfx_mean** and **lh_mean**, respectively. Therefore, we need to flip the sign and use **minus** when computing the ocean [[span(style=color: #FF0000,surface net heat flux)]].
    8181Many thanks to my colleagues at Rutgers, John Wilkin, Julia Levin, and Travis Miles, for the discussions about WRF-ROMS coupling.
     83The zero values in the sensible heat flux in the Mid-Atlantic Bight (MAB) can be corrected by commenting a limiter kluge in WRF modules **module_sf_sfclay.F** and **module_sf_sfclayrev.F**. Unfortunately, it has been there for years, and the WRF developers refuse to correct it. Specifically, we need to comment out these two lines:
     84 {{{
     85!   line 898
     87    QFX(I)=AMAX1(QFX(I),0.)   
     89!   And line 916
     91    HFX(I)=AMAX1(HFX(I),-250.)