Opened 3 years ago

Last modified 3 years ago

#897 closed upgrade

VERY IMPORTANT: Adding ROMS-JEDI driver and Refactoring Modules — at Initial Version

Reported by: arango Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone: Release ROMS/TOMS 4.0
Component: Nonlinear Version: 3.9
Keywords: Cc:


This is an important update to facilitate the coding of the ROMS-JEDI interface. The development of the ROMS-JEDI interface is still private within JCSDA GitHub repositories. It is not ready for any application since it is still under development. However, several changes are made to improve ROMS.

  • A new driver ROMS/Drivers/jedi_roms.h is added to facilitate JEDI to take direct control of the ROMS initialize, run, and finalize phases for the NLM, TLM, and ADM dynamical/numerical kernels. It is activated with new C-preprocessing option JEDI. It uses the same strategy as coupling where the ESMF/NUOPC library controls how the ROMS kernel is initialized, advanced, and terminated.
  • All the ROMS modules are refactored to include a deallocation subroutine. For example, mod_ocean.F now includes allocate_ocean, deallocate_ocean, and initialize_ocean subroutines.

The destroying (deallocating) of all ROMS derived-type structures is essential in Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) for releasing memory space, avoiding memory leaks, and facilitating changing the size of the state arrays (regridding). Recall that all the ROMS derived-type objects include several pointer-variables. After a variable has been deallocated, it cannot be defined or referenced until it is allocated or assigned again.

  • A new module ROMS/Utility/destroy.F is added to deallocate each variable in the derived-type structure separately. However, it is not used by default since the Fortran 2003 standard allows deallocating just the parent object to deallocate all array variables within its scope automatically. So, for example, to deallocate all the variables in the OCEAN(:) structure, we need:
         IF (ng.eq.Ngrids) THEN
           IF (allocated(OCEAN)) deallocate ( OCEAN )
         END IF
    We expect that all the Users of ROMS have at least a Fortran 2003 compiler. Otherwise, it is possible to activate the new C-preprocessing option SUBOBJECT_DEALLOCATION to deallocate each pointer variable within the structure object. For example:
         IF (.not.destroy(ng, OCEAN(ng)%zeta, MyFile,                      &
        &                 __LINE__, 'OCEAN(ng)%zeta')) RETURN
    Here, the ROMS function destroy deallocate the free-surface pointer variable zeta in the OCEAN(ng) structure for nested grid ng.

By the way, the DEALLOCATE Fortran statement releases the space allocated for an allocatable variable or a pointer target and nullifies the pointer.

  • The modules mod_param.F, mod_parallel.F, mod_iounits.F, and mod_scalars.F were slightly modified to avoid cyclic dependencies when compiling. It required to pass the Ngrids as argument in few allocation calls in read_phypar.F:
               CASE ('Ngrids')
                 Npts=load_i(Nval, Rval, 1, Ivalue)
                 IF (Ngrids.le.0) THEN
                   IF (Master) WRITE (out,290) 'Ngrids', Ngrids,           &
        &            'must be greater than zero.'
                 END IF
                 got_Ngrids=.TRUE.                ! Allocating variables in
                 CALL allocate_param              ! modules that solely
                 CALL allocate_parallel (Ngrids)  ! depend on the number 
                 CALL allocate_iounits (Ngrids)   ! nested grids
                 CALL allocate_stepping (Ngrids)
  • Added the reporting of the river_file global attribute in output NetCDF files. In def_info.F, we have:
    #ifndef ANA_PSOURCE
            IF (exit_flag.eq.NoError) THEN
              IF (LuvSrc(ng).or.LwSrc(ng).or.(ANY(LtracerSrc(:,ng)))) THEN
                status=nf90_put_att(ncid, nf90_global, 'river_file',        &
         &                          TRIM(SSF(ng)%name))
                IF (FoundError(status, nf90_noerr, __LINE__, MyFile)) THEN
                  IF (Master) WRITE (stdout,20) 'river_file', TRIM(ncname)
                END IF
              END IF
            END IF
    Many thanks to John Wilkin for bringing this issue to my attention.
  • Corrected a typo in the CPP directives in ad_get_data.F, tl_get_data.F, and rp_get_data.F. We need to have
    # if !defined ANA_PAIR       && \
         (defined ATM_PRESS      || defined BULK_FLUXES  || \
          defined ECOSIM)
    #  if !(defined FRC_COUPLING || defined FORWARD_FLUXES)
    a space was added before FORWARD_FLUXES. Many thanks to Raquel Toste for reporting this typo.

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