Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #844

02/25/20 22:39:37 (4 years ago)


  • Ticket #844

    • Property ResolutionDone
    • Property Status newclosed
    • Property Summary IMPORTANT: Added some enhacementsIMPORTANT: Some enhacements
  • Ticket #844 – Description

    initial v1  
    4141[[Image(, center, 600)]]
    43  Here, the red box is the regional ROMS grid while the black domains are the atmospheric coarser (45km) and finer nest (15km) grids. The coupling between the ROMS and the atmospheric model can be done with either the coarser grid ('''!NestedGrid(atmos)=1''') or the refined grid ('''!NestedGrid(atmos)=2''').  The DATA component is used to provide SST in grid cells not covered by ROMS.  The weighted coefficient are used to meld DATA (SST from HyCOM) and ROMS components.
     43 Here, the red box is the regional ROMS grid, while the black domains are the atmospheric coarser (45km) and finer nest (15km) grids. The coupling between the ROMS and the atmospheric model can be done with either the coarser grid ('''!NestedGrid(atmos)=1''') or the refined grid ('''!NestedGrid(atmos)=2''').  The DATA component is used to provide SST in grid cells not covered by ROMS.  The weighted coefficients are used to meld DATA (SST from HyCOM) and ROMS components.
     45* Added new item ('''debug_write''') to coupling metadata file '''coupling_esmf.dat''' to specify which excanged field(s) are written into NetCDF files during debugging ('''!DebugLevel > 2''') to avoid generating lot and lots of files: 
     46 {{{
     48  'sea_surface_temperature'                        ! standard name
     49  'sea surface temperature'
     50  't(:,:,N,itemp)', 'ROMS'                         ! source variable, ROMS
     51  'C'                                              ! source units
     52  'Center'                                         ! source grid-cell
     53  'tsea', 'COAMPS'                                 ! destination variable, COAMPS
     54  'K'                                              ! destination units
     55  'Center'                                         ! destination grid-cell
     56  'SST'                                            ! DATA Model file variable
     57  'bilinear'                                       ! regridding method
     58  'none'                                           ! unmapped extrapolation method
     59  .TRUE.                                           ! connected to coupler
     60  .FALSE.                                          ! debug write into a NetCDF file
     61  273.15d0                                         ! importing add offset
     62  1.0d0                                            ! importing scale