Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #799

02/03/19 17:38:38 (5 years ago)


  • Ticket #799

    • Property ResolutionDone
    • Property Status newclosed
  • Ticket #799 – Description

    initial v1  
    7676      RETURN
    78 Notice that everything is now processed in a local '''1D''' vector ('''Vwrk''') and then reshaped for the desired '''3D''' vector '''Vout'''.  This is actually similar to what Fortran '''77''' used to do but with modules checking the size and scope of the arguments. Modern Fortran is much better and allows compiers to check the arguments with strict compiling flags.
     78Notice that everything is now processed in a local '''1D''' vector ('''Vwrk''') and then reshaped for the desired '''3D''' vector '''Vout'''.  This is similar to what Fortran '''77''' used to do but with modules checking the size and scope of the arguments. Modern Fortran is much better and allows compilers to check the arguments with strict compiling flags.
     80== WARNING:
     82If you use nesting, I highly '''recommend''' updating your code. Otherwise, the input parameters will be wrong if you use shorthand specification of the input parameters.
     86Also, corrected WRF Perl script '''ESM/''' so the other of the HDF5 libraries is changed to '''-lhdf5_hl -lhdf5''' instead of '''-lhdf5 -lhdf5_hl'''.  The order matter in some computers operating systems.
     88Consolidated '''checkdefs.F''' in all the repositories.  There are different versions in each repository and I keep reverting to the previous revision.  This happens when you have many research repositories.
     90Updated cppdefs.h to add C-preprocessing '''EXCLUDE_SPONGE''' to exclude sponge points in export fields during coupling.