Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #70

07/31/07 22:25:32 (17 years ago)

Well, this is very tricky and we are looking for a solution. The problem here is that make is failing in generate the internal macro definitions file which uses cppdefs.h to select the relevant code to compile.

Your specific problem is the default make value for the $(CPP) definition. By default, GNU make sets CPP = cc -E. This is problematic in some systems. Therefore, for now, I am using cpp -P directly in makefile line 229 when defining MACROS. This is a temporary fix.

For the ROMS makefile to work, the user need to be sure that cpp can be found in any of the directories listed in environmental variable PATH. One way to know is to type which cpp at the unix prompt. Usually, cpp is located in /usr/bin, /usr/lib, or somewhere else. If you cannot find cpp at the unix prompt, you need to find out where this program is located in your computer and add it to your PATH in your unix login script (usually, .cshrc or .bashrc).

We will continue looking for a solution.


  • Ticket #70

    • Property ResolutionFixed
    • Property Status newclosed
  • Ticket #70 – Description

    initial v1  
    1 The new makefile does not seem to link the proper libraries (ADM and TLM) when compiling the TLM_DRIVER or AD_SENSITVITY drivers. This is the error message I get when trying to compile the AD_SENSITIVITY, for example:
     1The new makefile does not seem to link the proper libraries (ADM and TLM) when compiling the TLM_DRIVER or AD_SENSITVITY drivers. This is the error message I get when trying to compile the AD_SENSITIVITY.
    3 mpif90  -u -Bstatic -fastsse -Mipa=fast -tp k8-64  Build/master.o Build/ocean_control.o Build/ocean_coupler.o Build/propagator.o -o oceanM  Build/libNLM.a Build/libANA.a Build/libICE.a Build/libUTIL.a Build/libMODS.a -L/home/milenav/software/netcdf/lib -lnetcdf -L/home/milenav/roms/trunk/Lib/ARPACK -lparpack -L/home/milenav/roms/trunk/Lib/ARPACK -larpack
    4 rm -f -r /export/204/milenav/roms/trunk/Compilers/
    5 The following function(s) are called, but no IPA information is available:
    6 ad_initial_, ad_main3d_
    7 Linking without IPA
    8 Build/ocean_control.o(.text+0x241): In function `ocean_control_mod_run_':
    9 ocean_control.f90: undefined reference to `ad_initial_'
    10 Build/ocean_control.o(.text+0x722):ocean_control.f90: undefined reference to `ad_main3d_'
    11 child process exit status 1: /usr/bin/ld
    12 make: *** [oceanM] Error 2
    14 Milena