Opened 8 years ago

Last modified 8 years ago

#700 closed upgrade

Important: Changes to Bed Bottom Sediment Output Switches — at Initial Version

Reported by: arango Owned by: arango
Priority: major Milestone: Release ROMS/TOMS 3.7
Component: Nonlinear Version: 3.7
Keywords: Cc:


The bed bottom sediment output switches in ROMS standard input:

! Logical switches (TRUE/FALSE) to activate writing of exposed sediment
! layer properties into HISTORY output file.  Currently, MBOTP properties
! are expected for the bottom boundary layer and/or sediment models:
! idBott( 1=isd50)   grain_diameter          mean grain diameter
! idBott( 2=idens)   grain_density           mean grain density
! idBott( 3=iwsed)   settling_vel            mean settling velocity
! idBott( 4=itauc)   erosion_stress          critical erosion stress
! idBott( 5=irlen)   ripple_length           ripple length
! idBott( 6=irhgt)   ripple_height           ripple height
! idBott( 7=ibwav)   bed_wave_amp            wave excursion amplitude
! idBott( 8=izdef)   Zo_def                  default bottom roughness
! idBott( 9=izapp)   Zo_app                  apparent bottom roughness
! idBott(10=izNik)   Zo_Nik                  Nikuradse bottom roughness
! idBott(11=izbio)   Zo_bio                  biological bottom roughness
! idBott(12=izbfm)   Zo_bedform              bed form bottom roughness
! idBott(13=izbld)   Zo_bedload              bed load bottom roughness
! idBott(14=izwbl)   Zo_wbl                  wave bottom roughness
! idBott(15=iactv)   active_layer_thickness  active layer thickness
! idBott(16=ishgt)   saltation               saltation height
!                                 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
!               1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Hout(idBott) == T T T T T T T T T F F F F F F F

were move to input script and reformatted for easy use:

! Logical switches (TRUE/FALSE) to activate writing of bed bottom sediment
! parameters, [1:Ngrids] values expected.

 Hout(isd50) == T       ! grain_diameter          mean grain diameter
 Hout(idens) == T       ! grain_density           mean grain density
 Hout(iwsed) == T       ! settling_vel            mean settling velocity
 Hout(itauc) == T       ! erosion_stress          critical erosion stress
 Hout(irlen) == T       ! ripple_length           ripple length
 Hout(irhgt) == T       ! ripple_height           ripple height
 Hout(ibwav) == T       ! bed_wave_amp            wave excursion amplitude
 Hout(izdef) == T       ! Zo_def                  default bottom roughness
 Hout(izapp) == T       ! Zo_app                  apparent bottom roughness
 Hout(izNik) == F       ! Zo_Nik                  Nikuradse bottom roughness
 Hout(izbio) == F       ! Zo_bio                  biological bottom roughness
 Hout(izbfm) == F       ! Zo_bedform              bed form bottom roughness
 Hout(izbld) == F       ! Zo_bedload              bed load bottom roughness
 Hout(izwbl) == F       ! Zo_wbl                  wave bottom roughness
 Hout(iactv) == F       ! active_layer_thickness  active layer thickness
 Hout(ishgt) == F       ! saltation               saltation height

Similarly, the switches in input script

! Logical switches (TRUE/FALSE) to activate writing of exposed sediment
! layer properties into STATIONS output file.  Currently, MBOTP properties
! are expected for the bottom boundary layer and/or sediment models:
! idBott( 1=isd50)   grain_diameter          mean grain diameter
! idBott( 2=idens)   grain_density           mean grain density
! idBott( 3=iwsed)   settling_vel            mean settling velocity
! idBott( 4=itauc)   erosion_stress          critical erosion stress
! idBott( 5=irlen)   ripple_length           ripple length
! idBott( 6=irhgt)   ripple_height           ripple height
! idBott( 7=ibwav)   bed_wave_amp            wave excursion amplitude
! idBott( 8=izdef)   Zo_def                  default bottom roughness
! idBott( 9=izapp)   Zo_app                  apparent bottom roughness
! idBott(10=izNik)   Zo_Nik                  Nikuradse bottom roughness
! idBott(11=izbio)   Zo_bio                  biological bottom roughness
! idBott(12=izbfm)   Zo_bedform              bed form bottom roughness
! idBott(13=izbld)   Zo_bedload              bed load bottom roughness
! idBott(14=izwbl)   Zo_wbl                  wave bottom roughness
! idBott(15=iactv)   active_layer_thickness  active layer thickness
! idBott(16=ishgt)   saltation               saltation height
!                                 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
!               1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Sout(idBott) == T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T

were reformatted as:

! Logical switches (TRUE/FALSE) to activate writing of exposed sediment
! layer properties into STATIONS output file.

Sout(isd50)  == T       ! grain_diameter     mean grain diameter
Sout(idens)  == T       ! grain_density      mean grain density
Sout(iwsed)  == T       ! settling_vel       mean settling velocity
Sout(itauc)  == T       ! erosion_stress     critical erosion stress
Sout(irlen)  == T       ! ripple_length      ripple length
Sout(irhgt)  == T       ! ripple_height      ripple height
Sout(ibwav)  == T       ! bed_wave_amp       wave excursion amplitude
Sout(izdef)  == T       ! Zo_def             default bottom roughness
Sout(izapp)  == T       ! Zo_app             apparent bottom roughness
Sout(izNik)  == T       ! Zo_Nik             Nikuradse bottom roughness
Sout(izbio)  == T       ! Zo_bio             biological bottom roughness
Sout(izbfm)  == T       ! Zo_bedform         bed form bottom roughness
Sout(izbld)  == T       ! Zo_bedload         bed load bottom roughness
Sout(izwbl)  == T       ! Zo_wbl             wave bottom roughness
Sout(iactv)  == T       ! active_layer_t...  active layer thickness
Sout(ishgt)  == T       ! saltation          saltation height

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