Opened 9 years ago

Closed 8 years ago

#686 closed bug (Invalid)

DSTART ignored with ANA_INITIAL — at Version 1

Reported by: kate Owned by: arango
Priority: minor Milestone: Release ROMS/TOMS 3.7
Component: Nonlinear Version: 3.7
Keywords: Cc:

Description (last modified by arango)

With ANA_INITIAL, the model time gets overwritten:

ROMS/Nonlinear/initial.F:          time(ng)=io_time                   ! needed for shared-memory

so that setting DSTART is ignored. The variable io_time is set in get_state.F which isn't called in the ANA_INITIAL case. I don't see how INI_FILE can be activated with analytical initial conditions.

Change History (1)

comment:1 by arango, 8 years ago

Description: modified (diff)
Resolution: Invalid
Status: newclosed

I do not know what this is all about. In initial.F, we have:

#ifdef INI_FILE
!  Read in initial conditions from initial NetCDF file.
      DO ng=1,Ngrids
        CALL get_state (ng, iNLM, 1, INI(ng)%name,                      &
     &                  IniRec(ng), Tindex(ng))
        CALL mp_bcasti (ng, iNLM, exit_flag)
# endif
        IF ( RETURN
        time(ng)=io_time                     ! needed for shared-memory
      END DO
!  If restart, read in initial conditions restart NetCDF file.
      DO ng=1,Ngrids
        IF (nrrec(ng).ne.0) THEN
          CALL get_state (ng, 0, 1, INI(ng)%name,                      &
     &                    IniRec(ng), Tindex(ng))
          CALL mp_bcasti (ng, iNLM, exit_flag)
# endif
          IF ( RETURN
          time(ng)=io_time                   ! needed for shared-memory
        END IF
      END DO

This section of the code reads initial conditions from a NetCDF file (ININAME). It can read an initial conditions, history or restart NetCDF file. Notice that the internal C-preprocessing option INI_FILE is set in globaldef.h as:

#if  !defined ANA_INITIAL || \
    ( defined BIOLOGY     && !defined ANA_BIOLOGY)  || \
    ( defined T_PASSIVE   && !defined ANA_PASSIVE)  || \
    ( defined SEDIMENT    && !defined ANA_SEDIMENT) || \
    ( defined BBL_MODEL   && !defined ANA_SEDIMENT)
# define INI_FILE

So this code is never present when ANA_INITIAL is activated.

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