Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #569

11/28/12 21:12:19 (12 years ago)


  • Ticket #569

    • Property ResolutionDone
    • Property Status newclosed
  • Ticket #569 – Description

    initial v1  
    11The following updates to the code were implemented:
    3  * Added the switch '''LtracerCLM''' to manage the tracer climatology field for active and passive tracers to all the standard input files ('''ocean_*.in''', biology, and sediment). For example, in '''ocean_*.in''' we have now:
     3 * Added the switch '''LtracerCLM''' to manage the tracer climatology  field to process for active and passive tracers in all the standard input files ('''ocean_*.in''', biology, and sediment). For example, in '''ocean_*.in''' we have now:
    55! Logical switches (TRUE/FALSE) to specify which variables to process for
    88  LtracerCLM == T T                        ! temperature, salinity, inert
    10   This will allow to only process and operate on the desired climatology field. In biological tracer, it will make sense to operate on the nutrient climatology and not on the higher trophic level model constituents. The tracer climatology '''tclm''' array will only contains the desired fields to save memory usage. The are processed as follows to read and interpolate:
     10  This will allow us to only process and operate on the desired tracer climatology field. In biological tracers, it will make sense to operate on the nutrient climatology and not on the higher trophic level model constituents, for example. The tracer climatology '''tclm''' array will only contains the desired climatology fields to save memory usage. They are processed as follows to read and interpolate:
    1212      ic=0
    4040      END DO
    42  Notice that we have now the full tracer loop.
     42 Notice that we have now the full tracer '''DO-'''loop.
    4444 In '''step3d_t.F''', we now have:
    65  * Added processing of all passive tracer quadratic terms: <'''t*t'''>, <'''u*t'''>, <'''v*t'''>, <'''Huon*t'''>, and <'''Hvom*t'''>. This will facilitate computing budgets for passive tracers.  The desired fields are processed and written into the average files according to the logical switches:
     65 * Added processing of all passive tracer quadratic terms: <'''t*t'''>, <'''u*t'''>, <'''v*t'''>, <'''Huon*t'''>, and <'''Hvom*t'''>. This will facilitate computing budgets for any passive tracer.  The desired fields are processed and written into the average files according to the logical switches:
    6767Aout(idTTav) == F F     ! temp2, ...         quadratic <t*t> tracer terms
    7373  This also required changes to all the standard input files ('''ocean_*.in''', biology, and sediment).
    75  '''Warming:''' The file '''varinfo.dat''' was also modified for generic quadratic tracers metadata:
     75 '''Warming:''' The file '''varinfo.dat''' was also modified for the generic quadratic tracers metadata:
    7777'tracer2'                                          ! Output
    152152      END DO
    154  Similar strategy is used for quadratic and logarithmic formulations.
     154 Similar strategy is used for quadratic and logarithmic formulations. I still need to work out the '''TLM''', '''RPM''', and '''ADM''' transformation for this routine,
    156156 * Modified '''get_varcoords.F''' to expand the processing of the '''coordinates''' attribute in input NetCDF forcing files:
    168168 This is done for '''CF''' compliance.
     170 * Corrected a bug in '''t3dmix4_iso.h''' when multiplying by the diffusion coefficient.  This is a bad one!  Changes are not required in the '''TLM''', '''RPM''', and '''ADM''' versions of this routine since these codes operate the diffusion coefficient factor at the end of the flux computation. This is done because in the linearized codes the operation needs to be recursive.  Therefore, the bug in the '''NLM''' due to the split scheme is not present in the '''TLM''', '''RPM''', and '''ADM''' codes.
     172 * Update all the standard input scripts in the '''test''' repository.