Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #548

04/14/12 20:51:00 (12 years ago)


  • Ticket #548

    • Property ResolutionFixed
    • Property Status newclosed
  • Ticket #548 – Description

    initial v1  
    1 Corrected a nasty bug in the Generalized Stability Theory (GST) adjoint-based propagators for periodic applications.  We have been hunting on and off for this bug for the last six months.  It was very frustrating because we didn't have a clue.  We systematically searched for the bug and finally found it in the last thing that we checked.  It was in the packing and unpacking routines of the state vector that communicates with the ARPACK library, '''wpoints.F'''.  We just ignored that '''IstrU''' and '''IstrV''' is '''1''' in periodic applications and not '''2''' for the tiles adjacent to the boundary.
     1Corrected a nasty bug in the Generalized Stability Theory (GST) adjoint-based propagators for periodic applications.  We have been hunting on and off for this bug for the last six months.  It was very frustrating because we didn't have a clue.  We systematically searched for the bug and finally found it in the last thing that we checked.  It was in the packing and unpacking routines of the state vector that communicates with the ARPACK library, '''packing.F'''.  We just ignored that '''IstrU''' and '''IstrV''' is '''1''' in periodic applications and not '''2''' for the tiles adjacent to the boundary.
    33Rats... it is not the first time that we introduce bugs with that nasty logic in periodic boundary conditions.