Opened 13 years ago

Last modified 13 years ago

#486 closed upgrade

Added new Courant number diagnostics to standard output — at Initial Version

Reported by: arango Owned by: arango
Priority: major Milestone: Release ROMS/TOMS 3.4
Component: Nonlinear Version: 3.4
Keywords: Cc:


The standard output information has been expanded to include the maximum Courant number values and its location. The Courant number in 3D applications is defined at RHO-points as:

    C = Cu + Cv + Cw


    Cu = ABS(u(i,j,k) + u(i+1,j,k)) * dt * pm(i,j)

    Cv = ABS(v(i,j,k) + v(i,j+1,k)) * dt * pn(i,j)

    Cw = ABS(wvel(i,j,k-1) + wvel(i,j,k)) * dt * Hz(i,j,k)

The (i,j,k) location where the maximum of C occurs is also reported. Finally, the maximum value of the horizontal speed, SQRT(u*u + v*v), is also reported. This information may be useful to monitor the model CFL condition. It also indicates the places in the grid where the CFL is violated during model blow-up.

For example, we get in standard output:

          C => (i,j,k)       Cu            Cv            Cw         Max Speed

    960    40 00:00:00  8.657897E-04  1.948261E+04  1.948261E+04  2.182663E+17
          (096,125,01)  9.919103E-03  4.299619E-03  1.211318E-02  1.049095E+00

Notice that this information is written after the global energy and volume diagnostics. The total value of C is not written in 3D applications, but it can be obtained by summing the values of Cu, Cv, and Cw. This information also gives you the clue of which component of C is getting is the largest. In some applications with rotated tensors the value of Cw may get large and the time-step needs to be reduced to avoid the model to blow-up.

The total value of C is reported in 2D application, since we have an information column available (no Cw value is possible):

          C => (i,j,k)       Cu            Cv           C Max       Max Speed

It turns out that computing this simple global diagnostic is very tricky in parallel applications. It required some thinking to do this in shared-memory and serial with partitions. The issue here is that we are computing something equivalent to the intrinsic F90 function MAXLOC. As such, we need to get the (i,j,k) indices of the first occurrence of the maximum value of C and its qualifiers Cu, Cv, Cw, and (i,j,k). It took some serious debugging to get identical values for this new information in serial, serial with partitions, shared-memory, and distributed-memory. Many thanks to Sasha Shchepetkin for his suggestions to compute this.

The final tick to achieve this in shared-memory was to have the following code inside the critical global reduction block:

        IF (tile_count.eq.0) THEN
          max_C =my_max_C
          IF (my_max_C.eq.max_C) THEN       ! very important
          ELSE IF ( THEN
            max_C =my_max_C
          END IF
        END IF

Notice that we need to take the minimum value of the indices when the maximum value between the threads is the same. That is, the maximum value is not unique and occurs in several places. We just need to be sure to take the first occurrence. This required a lot of debugging. Well, now we know how to do this in the future.

It is possible to get zero values for Cu or Cv in land/sea masking applications. This information is also very useful since sometimes the r-factor values next to the land mask maybe high due to the coordinate stretching and/or the bathymetry cutoff value.

A new routine mp_reduce2 was added to distribute.F to compute this type of reduction using either MPI_MINLOC and/or MPI_MAXLOC. This is computed efficiently by reducing and grouping the calls to MPI_ALLREDUCE.

Finally, the CFL (Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy) condition is a limiting constraint on the size of the time-step for a particular application. Recall that in hyperbolic equations C must be less or equal to 1 to decrease oscillations, decrease numerical dispersion, and improve accuracy.

Many thanks to Lyon Lanerolle for suggesting this useful diagnostics.

I also corrected a defect in routine netcdf_inq_var of file mod_netcdf.F when reading vector attributes (integer or floating-point) for a particular variable. Only scalars attribute values are processed (my_Alen=1). This is OK since such vector attributes are not used internally in ROMS. Now, we have:

                    IF ((my_Alen.eq.1).and.                             &
     &                  (my_Atype.eq.NF90_INT)) THEN

                    ELSE IF ((my_Alen.eq.1).and.                        &
     &                       ((my_Atype.eq.NF90_FLOAT ).or.             &
     &                        (my_Atype.eq.NF90_DOUBLE))) THEN

Some compilers bypassed this problem, but the IBM compiler gives a segmentation violation. Many thanks to Aijun Zhang for reporting this problem.

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