Opened 15 years ago

Last modified 15 years ago

#383 closed bug

Miscelaneous bugs — at Initial Version

Reported by: arango Owned by: arango
Priority: major Milestone: Release ROMS/TOMS 3.3
Component: Nonlinear Version: 3.3
Keywords: Cc:


I corrected few bugs:

  • Added to get_state.F and checkvars.F logic to process additional fields for perfect restart. Many thanks to Greg Gerbi for reporting this problem. We need the following conditional instead:
          IF (((model.eq.0).or.(model.eq.iNLM)).and.(nrrec(ng).ne.0)) THEN
  • Modified step2d_LF_AM3.h and its TLM, RPM, and ADM versions to include a different logic for point mass sources. Eliminated the need for using local array Dnew and used zeta+h instead. There is still an adjoint bug in this routine when UV_PSOURCE is activated. We are still looking for it.
          DO is=1,Nsrc
            IF (((IstrR.le.i).and.(i.le.IendR)).and.                        &
         &      ((JstrR.le.j).and.(j.le.JendR))) THEN
              IF (INT(Dsrc(is)).eq.0) THEN
                cff=1.0_r8/(on_u(i,j)*                                      &
         &                  0.5_r8*(zeta(i-1,j,knew)+h(i-1,j)+              &
         &                          zeta(i  ,j,knew)+h(i  ,j)))
    #  ifdef SOLVE3D
    #  endif
                cff=1.0_r8/(om_v(i,j)*                                      &
         &                  0.5_r8*(zeta(i,j-1,knew)+h(i,j-1)+              &
         &                          zeta(i,j  ,knew)+h(i,j  )))
    #  ifdef SOLVE3D
    #  endif
              END IF
            END IF
          END DO
  • Corrected a parallel bug in ana_grid.h when computing bathymetry h. Many thanks to Aurelien Ponte for reporting this problem. This was a clear shared- and distribute-memory bug.
          DO j=JstrR,JendR
            DO i=IstrR,IendR
            END DO
          END DO
  • Added additional argument to routine netcdf_close to specify if we want to update the bio_file global attribute. This attribute can only be updated in those NetCDF opened for writting.

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