Opened 15 years ago

Last modified 15 years ago

#323 closed bug

sediment restart — at Initial Version

Reported by: jcwarner Owned by: arango
Priority: major Milestone: Release ROMS/TOMS 3.3
Component: Nonlinear Version: 3.3
Keywords: Cc:


Several users have had issues with some of the sediment related parameters when restarting. Two of these issues deal with morphology/bath and bedload.

1) Morphology/bath If an application is compiled without sed_morph, user runs an application, creates a restart. Then user activates sed_morph, recompiles, and restarts. This will result in an error because the ini file will not have var 'bath.' However, user just wants to start with bath = h and go forward. Suggested fix:

Modify checkvars.F and change lines ~420-430 from

#if defined SEDIMENT && defined SED_MORPH

IF (.not.have_var(idbath).and.get_var(idbath)) THEN

IF (Master) WRITE (stdout,10) string, TRIM(Vname(1,idbath)), &

& TRIM(ncname)

exit_flag=2 RETURN




#if defined SEDIMENT && defined SED_MORPH

IF (.not.have_var(idbath).and.get_var(idbath)) THEN


! IF (Master) WRITE (stdout,10) string, TRIM(Vname(1,idbath)), & ! & TRIM(ncname) ! exit_flag=2 ! RETURN



The added line of get_var bath = false will prevent the get_state to load it.

2) bedload If a user runs an application that does not have bedload, creates a restart file. Then user activates bedload and recompiles and runs. This will result in an error because get_state is looking for bedload vars. Suggested fix: modify checkvers.F lines ~180-181 from

get_var(idUbld(itrc))=.TRUE. get_var(idVbld(itrc))=.TRUE.


get_var(idUbld(itrc))=.FALSE. get_var(idVbld(itrc))=.FALSE.

This will prevent get_state to look for these vars. They are not currently used from the restart. I tested these fixes with inlet test and they worked for my limited evaluation.

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