Opened 15 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

#313 closed bug (Fixed)

WET_DRY problem for Vstretching=2,3 in set_scoord.F — at Version 1

Reported by: rsignell Owned by: arango
Priority: major Milestone: Release ROMS/TOMS 3.3
Component: Nonlinear Version: 3.3
Keywords: Cc:

Description (last modified by arango)

If WET_DRY is defined and Vstretching 2 or 3 is used, ROMS will quit with an error message if there it topography above the level of the free-surface (which is generally the case in WET_DRY applications).

There are two problems:

  1. Looking at set_scoord.F, I see that the following lines only occur

in the Vstreching == 1 case:

# if defined WET_DRY
# else
# endif

This code should be executed before the check of which stretching function was used so that it applies to all stretching functions.

  1. In the Vstretching=2,3 sections of the code, these lines:

       IF (hc(ng).le.hmin(ng)) THEN


          WRITE (stdout,10) hc(ng), hmin(ng)
        END IF

should be removed, as in the Vstretching = 1 case.

My modified set_scoord.F is attached.

Change History (2)

by rsignell, 15 years ago

Attachment: set_scoord.F added

set_scoord.F that works with WET_DRY and Vstretching==2 or 3

comment:1 by arango, 15 years ago

Description: modified (diff)
Resolution: Fixed
Status: newclosed

No, really. I actually screw-up! There is not a limitation on hc when using Vtransform=2. This is the advantage of the new transformation, it works for both hc < hmin and hc > hmin This was an issue in the old transformation (Vtransform=1) since we cannot have [h(x,y)-hc] to be negative because dz/ds is also negative!

The check here actually needs to be done in term of Vtransform:

      IF (Vtransform(ng).eq.1) THEN
# if defined WET_DRY
# else
# endif
      ELSE IF (Vtransform(ng).eq.2) THEN
      END IF

and it is independent of the vertical stretching function (Vstretching). Then, the following constraint:

        IF (hc(ng).le.hmin(ng)) THEN

needs to be removed for Vstretching=2,3.

I also corrected a bug associated with hc in ad_set_depth.F, tl_set_depth.F, and rp_set_depth.F. Many thanks to Andy Moore for discovering this bug which was introduced recently.

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