Opened 16 years ago

Last modified 16 years ago

#202 closed bug

Sediment-related bugs — at Initial Version

Reported by: m.hadfield Owned by: arango
Priority: major Milestone: Release ROMS/TOMS 3.2
Component: Nonlinear Version: 3.2
Keywords: Cc:


A couple of issues revealed when building SHOREFACE with latest revision (225):

In ROMS/Modules/mod_ncparam.F, variable idflux is used but is not declared anywhere. (Should this be declared in mod_sediment.F?)

With ASSUMED_SHAPE turned off, the declaration in ROMS/Nonlinear/sed_settling.F line 108...

      real(r8), intent(inout) :: settling_flux(LBi:UBi,LBj:UBj,NST(ng))

...triggers a compiler error, something about "Bad array specification for an explicitly shaped array". The form of this looks OK, so presumably the problem is that NST is not a properly declared integer array.

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