Custom Query (964 matches)


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Results (268 - 270 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#362 arango arango Fixed Corrected balance_4dvar.m script

Corrected matlab script balance_4dvar.m used to compute the balanced/unbalanced contribution for 4DVar error covariance matrix standard deviation scale. We need to use the total T and S increments when computing the density increment delta_rho, as reported in Weaver et al. (2005) balance operator in Eq (18) and (22).

Many thanks to Andy Moore for reporting this problem.

#363 arango arango Fixed Corrected a bug in get_cycle.F when processing timeless variables

Expanded the list of timeless variables to include those with the river dimension. These are the variables describing the river positions (river_Xposition, river_Eposition), direction (river_direction), flag (river_flag), and vertical transport profile (river_Vshape).

Many thanks to Paul Mattern for reporting this problem.

#364 arango arango Done Updated balance operator input parameters

Updated the balance operator to specify its input parameters from the script:

! Number of iterations in the biconjugate gradient algorithm used to solve
! the elliptic equation for sea surface height in the error covariance
! balance operator, [1:Ngrids].

          Nbico == 200

! Parameters used to compute balanced salinity in terms of temperature using
! empirical T-S relationships in the error covariance balance operator,
! [1:Ngrids].

       dTdz_min == 0.001d0                ! minimun dT/dz (Celsius/m)
       ml_depth == 100.0d0                ! mixed-layer depth (m; positive)

Notice that we need as many Nbico iterations are required to decrease the error value of the reference free-surface to 1E-8 or smaller. In many applications Nbico=200 will do the job.

Warning: be aware that there are 4 arrays that are allocated using Nbico and its value maybe constrained by available memory:

  • FOURDVAR(ng) % p_r2d (LBi:UBi,LBj:UBj,Nbico(ng))
  • FOURDVAR(ng) % r_r2d (LBi:UBi,LBj:UBj,Nbico(ng))
  • FOURDVAR(nd) % bp_r2d(LBi:UBi,LBj:UBj,Nbico(ng))
  • FOURDVAR(ng) % br_r2d(LBi:UBi,LBj:UBj,Nbico(ng))

All the values are needed in the backward iterations of the adjoint.

I also corrected couple of bugs. Many thanks to Andy more fore reporting and correcting these problems.

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