Custom Query (964 matches)


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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#25 arango m.hadfield Fixed Declaration problem in cgradient.h

In file cgradient.h, subroutine read_state.F, the explicit-shape version of the declaration for argument s_t is

real(r8), intent(inout) :: s_t(LBi:UBi,LBj:UBj,N(ng),NT(ng))

This has only 4 dimensions, whereas the corresponding assumed-shape declaration has 5:

real(r8), intent(inout) :: s_t(LBi:,LBj:,:,:,:)

I think the correct explicit-shape declaration is

real(r8), intent(inout) :: s_t(LBi:UBi,LBj:UBj,N(ng),2,NT(ng))

Corrected file attached.

#26 arango elhunter Fixed ROMS fails to initialize in parallel with point sources/sink

I ran the LATTE model for several cases with ROMS 3.0 changeset 56. Compiled on moby using pgf90. If I set tiles to 2x2 (or 1x4) the program freezes on initialization(at runtime). This does not happen with a 1x1 tile or if I compile in serial. Also, the upwelling case compiles and initializes fine at runtime.

Once UV_SOURCE and TS_SOURCE are undefined there is no apparent problem running in parallel.

#28 arango mathieu WorksForMe Application ADRIA02 and river

The application ADRIA02 of ROMS 3.0 (with no modification whatsoever) does not run when using MPI and NtileI*NTileJ > 1. ROMS remain stuck forever at

INITIAL: Configurating and initializing forward nonlinear model ...

It runs correctly with NtileI=NtileJ = 1. Disabling UV_PSOURCE and TS_PSOURCE gives a correct behavior.

This problem occured on a AltiX system with ifort 8.1 I am ready to help as much as possible if the bug is not reproducible.


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