Custom Query (964 matches)


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Results (262 - 264 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#354 arango arango Fixed Few corrections to balance operator

Corrected how the RHS of elliptic equation is computed in the balance operator. The metrics in the divergence operator were incorrect.

Many thanks to Andy Moore for his help in testing this option.

#355 arango arango Fixed Corrected Matlab scripts used in balance operator

Corrected several bugs in the Matlab scripts used to compute the standard deviation for the unbalanced error covariance matrix. Added a new script, ssh_reference.m, to compute the balance operator reference sea surface height.

Many thanks to Andy Moore for his help in testing these complex scripts.

#356 arango arango Done Added capability to process the add_offset attribute in input NetCDF files

Added code in the NetCDF input routines to process the add_offset attribute, if present in an input NetCDF variable. This implies that users need to be careful when including such an attribute in a NetCDF variable.

If the add_offset attribute is present for a variable, its numeric value is added to the data after is read by ROMS I/O interface. In some applications, the add_offset is used to provide simple data compression. Also, it can be used to change units. For example, we can convert temperature from Kelvin to Celsius:

        float Tair(time, eta_rho, xi_rho) ;
                Tair:long_name = "surface air temperature" ;
                Tair:units = "Celsius" ;
                Tair:add_offset = -273.16;
                Tair:time = "time" ;

Here the original data is actually in Kelvin, so a value of -273.16 is added to the data to convert it to Celsius.

Many thanks to Kate Hedstrom for suggesting this capability.

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