Custom Query (964 matches)


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Results (247 - 249 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#337 arango arango Done backgound/foreground colors in black/white plotting programs

Changed the default color of the background and foreground objects to white and black, respectively, in plotting programs cnt and sec. The NCAR's plotting library has as default a black background and white foreground.

Many thanks to Wang Dakui for reporting this problem.

#338 arango arango Done Added new matlab scripts

Added several Matlab scripts:

  • caldate: Converts Julian day number to calendar date structure.
  • eos: ROMS equation of state for seawater.
  • gcircle: Great circle distance between two (lon,lat) points.
  • geodesic_dist: Geodesic distance between two (lon,lat) points.
  • gregorian: Converts Julian day number to Gregorian calendar date.
  • greg2str: Converts Gregorian date array to string.
  • hms2h: Converts hours, minutes, and seconds to decimal hours.
  • julian: Converts Gregorian calendar date to Julian day numbers.
  • rfactor: Computes bathymetry stiffness ratio, r-factor.
  • smooth_bath: Smooths bathymetry as function of the r-factor.
  • shapiro1: 1D Shapiro filter.
  • shapiro2: 2D Shapiro filter.
  • s2hms: Converts decimal seconds to integer hour, minute, seconds.
#339 arango arango Fixed Incorrect logic in get_ngfld

Warning: This is a very important fix when your input files are not CF compliant. Recall that get_ngfld is used to process boundary, river, and tide data.

Corrected a bug in file get_ngfld.F around line 193. We need to use n_vdim instead of n_dim in the DO loop:

!  If Nrec=0, input file is not CF compliant, check variable dimension
!  to see if the dimension contains the "time" string.
            IF (got_time.and.(Nrec.eq.0)) THEN
              DO i=1,n_vdim
                IF (INDEX(TRIM(var_Dname(i)),'time').ne.0) THEN
                END IF
              END DO
            END IF

This only occurs when input file is not CF compliant with the time dimension. In the previous versions you will get an out of bounds error for variable var_Dname.

I also updated several of the CDL files to be CF compliant.

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