Custom Query (964 matches)


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Results (235 - 237 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#323 arango jcwarner WorksForMe sediment restart

Several users have had issues with some of the sediment related parameters when restarting. Two of these issues deal with morphology/bath and bedload.

1) Morphology/bath: If an application is compiled without SED_MORPH, user runs an application, creates a restart. Then user activates SED_MORPH, recompiles, and restarts. This will result in an error because the initial file will not have var bath. However, user just wants to start with bath = h and go forward.

Suggested fix: Modify checkvars.F and change lines ~420-430 from

#if defined SEDIMENT && defined SED_MORPH
      IF (.not.have_var(idbath).and.get_var(idbath)) THEN
        IF (Master) WRITE (stdout,10) string, TRIM(Vname(1,idbath)),    &
     &                                TRIM(ncname)
      END IF


#if defined SEDIMENT && defined SED_MORPH
      IF (.not.have_var(idbath).and.get_var(idbath)) THEN
!       IF (Master) WRITE (stdout,10) string, TRIM(Vname(1,idbath)),    &
!    &                                TRIM(ncname)
!       exit_flag=2
!       RETURN
      END IF

The added line of get_var bath = false will prevent the get_state to load it.

2) Bedload: If a user runs an application that does not have BEDLOAD, creates a restart file. Then user activates BEDLOAD and recompiles and runs. This will result in an error because get_state is looking for bedload variables

Suggested fix: Modify checkvars.F lines ~180-181 from




This will prevent get_state to look for these vars. They are not currently used from the restart. I tested these fixes with inlet test and they worked for my limited evaluation.

#324 arango arango Fixed Corrected bugs in 4DVAR adjustment of open boundaries

Several boundary arrays were incorrectly dimensioned in obc_adjust.F, ad_obc_adjust.F, tl_obc_adjust.F, rp_obc_adjust.F, set_depth_bry, ad_set_depth_bry, tl_set_depth_bry, and rp_set_depth_bry. For example, we need the following statements:

    real(r8), intent(in) :: zeta_west(0:Jm(ng)+1)
    real(r8), intent(in) :: zeta_south(0:Im(ng)+1)

instead of

    real(r8), intent(in) :: zeta_west(LBj:UBj)
    real(r8), intent(in) :: zeta_south(LBi:UBi)

Many thanks to Andy Moore for his help in tracking these bug. This was a nasty bug and very difficult to find.

#325 arango arango Done 4DVAR posterior error covariance matrix

The weak constraint algorithms W4DPSAS and W4DVAR were updated to include the posterior (analysis) error covariance matrix, Ea, for the estimated initial conditions. The posterior error covariance matrix is very large, expensive to compute and store. However, the dominant EOFs of this matrix are easily computed by using an iterative Lanczos algorithm. These EOFs contain information about the patterns of largest uncertainty in the 4DVAR estimate.

The analysis error can be activated with the POSTERIOR_EOFS option. Many thanks to Andy Moore for his help in coding and testing this option.

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