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Results (208 - 210 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#288 arango arango Fixed Loaded wrong ad_set_depth.F file in ticket 285

Oops, I loaded the wrong ad_set_depth.F file in src:ticket:285 from my private research branch. The changes due the update of the vertical coordinate system in ROMS will be release latter in the week.

The correction that I needed to load was due to stratigraphy. The codes were inconsistent. The good news is the changes due to SED_MORPH and SEDIMENT are not yet supported in the adjoint-based algorithms.

#289 arango arango Done Terrain-following vertical coordinate overhaul

This is a major redo of ROMS vertical coordinates. It was expanded to support an additional transformation and numerous vertical stretching functions. The original transformation and vertical stretching function is still available.

All the input scripts (ocean*.in) were modified to include two new vertical coordinate parameters:

! Set vertical, terrain-following coordinates transformation equation and
! stretching function (see below for details), [1:Ngrids].

  Vtransform == 1                          ! transformation equation
 Vstretching == 1                          ! stretching function

There is extensive documentation about this in standard input script (ocean*.in) and WikiROMS. Also check the following message in the forum.

Many thanks to Sasha Shchepetkin for providing us his tranformation and vertical stretching function (available in UCLA-ROMS as default), Rocky Geyer for providing us a new vertical stretching function for sediment applications in shallow grids, Andy Moore for his help checking these transformations in the adjoint codes, and Rich Signell for his help with CF Conventions Committe and the NetCDF-Java Group.

#291 arango arango Fixed Corrected bug in sed_settling.F

Corrected bug in sed_settling.F when TS_MPDATA is activated. This affected the conservation of sediment tracers. See the following forum post for details.

Many thanks to Shihnan Chen for reporting this problem and John Warner for fixing it.

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