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Results (181 - 183 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#253 arango nencio Fixed Wrong index in ana_nudgcoef.F

I think that in ana_nudgcoef.F


      IF (ng.eq.Ngrids) THEN
        CALL mp_bcastf (ng, model, FSobc_out(:,iwest), Ngrids)
        CALL mp_bcastf (ng, model, FSobc_in (:,iwest), Ngrids)
#  endif

the iwest index should be replaced with isouth.

  • francesco
#254 arango arango Done Preconditioning in weak-constraint data assimilation algorithms

Various updates to the weak-constraint 4DVar data assimilation algorithms:

  • Andy implemented the Ritz preconditioning in congrad.F which is used by the weak-constraint 4DVAR algorithms (W4DVAR and W4DPSAS).
  • The weak-constraint impulse forcing was reformulated. A new module frc_weak.F is introduced.
  • The routine impulse.F will be obsolete soon when we finish the new W4DPSAS algorithm . The impulses are now processed in new routine wrt_impulse.F.
  • Added the adjoint relaxation terms ad_uv2drelax.F and ad_t3drelax.F which were missing.
  • A new cpp option was introduced DATALESS_LOOPS which can be used to test the convergence of the Picard iterations of the representer model in W4DVAR.

Many thanks to Andy Moore for his help in coding and testing all these new upgrades.

#256 arango arango Done Customized Biology/Ecosystem models

Several files were modified to allow customization of biology/ecosystem model header files (ecosim.h, fasham.h, nemuro.h, npzd_Franks.h, and npzd_Powell.h). Now it is possible to shadow released version of these header files with a user-customized version. This is similar to the analytical functionals in ROMS/Functionals. For more information, please check the following forum posting.

  • The makefile was modified to allow shadowing of released header files. This shadowing occurs during C-preprocessing.
  • The make configuration files (Compilers/*.mk) were modified to allowfree-format in biology.o for the long-string path of the header file.
  • The biology/ecology header file is saved in output NetCDF files so solutions can be reproduced in the future. This required a new routine netcdf_close in mod_netcdf.F to process the global attribute bio_file before closing the file. The variable BIONAME values are not known when the NetCDF files are created.
  • Corrected a bug in fasham.h and renamed TALK_PROGNOSTIC to TALK_NONCONSERV.
  • Corrected a shared memory bug in the ana_*.h routines when ANANAME is assigned. Recall that only one tile is allowed to assign global variables.
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