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Results (172 - 174 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#241 arango arango Fixed Updated 4DVar surface forcing adjustment

The 4DVar adjustment of surface forcing (ADJUST_WSTRESS and ADJUST_STFLUX) was revisited in view of the new IS4DVAR algorithm with preconditioning. To avoid confussion, the surface fluxes in output tangent linead and adjoint NetCDF files are written as kinematic fluxes (m2/s2 for stress and Celsius m/s heat flux). However, the same variables associated with the nonlinear model are scaled to Pa and W/m2, respectively.

Additional logic is added when the surface forcing is computed using the BULK_FLUXES option. In this case, the fields are convolved since the minimization is done in v-space.

The bacground cost function term (Jb) was corrected to add contributions from all previous outer loops.

Many thanks to Andy Moore for looking and testing this option in the new IS4DVAR algorithm.

#242 arango arango Done Updated weak constraint 4DVAR impulse forcing

Updated both weak constraint drivers W4DVAR and W4DPSAS conjugate gradient algorithm (congrad.F) and allowed full weak constraint. Added new code to allow the time intepolation of the impulse forcing that is used in the outer loop by the representer model. We also corrected a couple of critical bugs in W4DVAR. Many thanks to Andy Moore for finding these bugs.

#245 arango arango Done Miscellaneous updates

Several updates:

  • Updated the weak constraint 4DVAR driver w4dvar_ocean.h to save the representer solution at the beginning of each outer loop.
  • Created new subroutine checkadj.F to check for unsupported CPP options in adjoint-based algorithms. The execution will stop when such options are activated.
  • Renamed file find_string.F to string.F. The new file is a module with several functions to manipulate strings. Currently, we have:
         find_string:  Scans a character array for a specified string
         lowercase:    Converts input string characters to lowercase
         uppercase:    Converts input string characters to uppercase
  • Corrected several bugs in congrad.F. We were using module variables outer, inner and Ninner as arguments. This was in conflict the USE mod_scalars variable association. They were renamed to outLoop, innLoop and NinnLoop, repectively.
  • Corrected several bugs in the representer model. Many thanks to Andy Moore for his help in finding and correcting these bugs.
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