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Results (157 - 159 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#221 arango arango Fixed NEMURO bug in large phytoplankton primary productivity

There is a bug in NEMURO formulation of the gross primary productivity for large phytoplankton: diatom Si:N uptake ratio. The new formulation is consistent with Yamanaka et al., J. Oceanography, 2004.

The computation of GppPL at line 411 of nemuro.h is changed from




that is, the temperature dependency term cff1 is removed.

Many thanks to Jerome Fiechter for reporting this bug.

#222 arango arango Done _FillValue for Land Masked in Output NetCDF

Updated NetCDF IO routines to use the _FillValue attribute when land/sea masking is activated. At output, the land points are overwriten with the fill value spval which is defined in mod_scalar.F. Currently, spval=1.0E+35. The IO input routines are also cleverly modified to replace such masked values with zero. For more information about this request check the following forum message.

#223 arango arango Fixed Problem with masked grid arrays in output NetCDF files

I forgot to add the logic that avoids replacing grid arrays with the _FillValue strategy introduced in src:ticket:222. The tindex argument is used to avoid overwriting such variables in masked areas.

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