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Results (145 - 147 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#202 arango m.hadfield Fixed Sediment-related bugs

A couple of issues revealed when building SHOREFACE with latest revision (225):

In ROMS/Modules/mod_ncparam.F, variable idflux is used but is not declared anywhere. (Should this be declared in mod_sediment.F?)

With ASSUMED_SHAPE turned off, the declaration in ROMS/Nonlinear/sed_settling.F line 108...

      real(r8), intent(inout) :: settling_flux(LBi:UBi,LBj:UBj,NST(ng))

...triggers a compiler error, something about "Bad array specification for an explicitly shaped array". The form of this looks OK, so presumably the problem is that NST is not a properly declared integer array.

#206 arango arango Fixed Fixes to normalization.F and def_info.F

There is a bug when computing the 4DVAR background error covariance normalization factors for the adjustment of surface tracer flux. The code around line 2707 of normalization.F needs to be modified to use HnormSTF instead. Many thanks to Gregoire Broquet for reporting this bug.

Also fixed def_info.F to write the curvilinear rotation angle in polar coordinates applications. The variable angler was only written to output NetCDF files when spherical=.TRUE. This is kind of problematic in polar coordinates applications. This was changed to write angler when CURVGRID is activated. Many thanks to Dale Haidvogel for bringing this to my attention.

#208 arango arango Fixed Corrected model/observations statistics

We found a logic problem in stats_modobs.F when computing the statistics between model and observations. The logic for obs_scale was wrong when there are more survey data that needed in analysis time-window. I added a _FillValue of zero to this NetCDF variable. Also, the _FillValue for the model variables was also changed from 1.0E-6 to 1.0E+35. I modified this routine to use the new generic NetCDF interface. Many thanks to Gordon Zhang for bringing this to my attention.

I also corrected the outer and inner loop variables in the 4DVAR drivers to use local variables (my_outer and my_inner) in the actual loops. This is because Fortran adds 1 to the couter to get out of the loops. We need the global variables to have actual values.

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