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Results (130 - 132 of 969)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#184 arango arango Done Big IO update, parallel synchronization

This is a big update to ROMS IO. It is part of the parallel IO that will be available in the near future. The synchronization with exit_flag is more rigorous now to avoid having the model to hang-up during MPI computations with IO problems.

I built an umbrella over all the non-tiled NetCDF IO manipulations. This will facilitate parallel IO and the code is much cleaner and elegant. All the NetCDF verbose calls are located in a single place (see all new routines in mod_netcdf) to read and write non-tiled variables.

I also added a generic logic for the IO of nested grids. See new IOBOUNDS structure in mod_param.F.

A new routine (def_dim.F) is provided to define any NetCDF dimension with the necessary parallel logic and error checking.

I also corrected few IO bugs.

I tried to test as much as I can. However, I didn't test all the possible combinations of CPP flags.

#185 arango arango Done IS4DVAR preconditioning

We are now working on the preconditioning for the IS4DVAR algorithms. Andy Moore coded the spectral preconditioning.

I added two new files (def_lanczos.F and wrt_lanczos.F) to process the Lanczos vectors. We need both Lanczos vectors and Hessian eigenvectors to compute the preconditioning. More updates are coming soon.

Corrected a bug in the observation sensitivity driver. We need to added the spatial convolutions to the Lanczos vectors used to initialize the tangent linear model. The Lanczos vectors are in minimization space (v-space). Many thanks to Andy Moore for finding this problem

#186 arango arango Fixed Missing h variable in ini_zeta routine arguments

The depth variable h is missing from ini_zeta arguments when WET_DRY is activated. Many thanks to Kate for reporting this bug.

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