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Results (118 - 120 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#167 arango arango Done Observation sensitivity driver plus adjust forcing update

I added the new observation sensitivity driver (OBS_SENSITIVITY) which quantifies the impact that each observation has on the 4DVAR data assimilation system. By measuring the sensitivity of the data assimilation system to each observation, we can determine the degree to which each observation contributes to the uncertainty in the circulation estimate. This analysis can help us to determine the type of measurements that need to be made, where to observe, and when. See the following wikiROMS page for more technical and mathematical formulation.

Many thanks Andy Moore for his help developing this new driver. This driver is still under testing. We will let you know in the future when it is ready to use.

I also updated the 4DVAR adjustment of surface forcing fields. Many thanks to Gregoire Broquet for his continuous help debugging this algorithm.

#168 arango arango Fixed Few corrections to tickets 166 and 167

There is a conflict with VarName in module mod_netcdf.F. The variable varname is also used in mod_iounits.F. Many thanks to Mark Hadfield for reporting this.

I also cleaned couple of things in the adjusting of surface forcing. I have not managed to get this option right. I am sure that more changes are coming for this. This algorithm is tricky.

#170 arango arango Fixed Couple of corrections and more updates

The detide variables were removed accidentally from varinfo.dat in revision 168. Many thanks to Bin Zhang for reporting this problem. I also corrected a parallel (MPI) logic in routine netcdf_inq_var. I also fixed a problem in checkvars.F in the model flag for values greater than 4. This bug was introduced in revision 190 when the profiling was limited to model values 1 to 4 (iNLM, iTLM, iRPM, and iADM), as it should be.

I also continue my slow transition to parallel IO. I cleaned get_state.F and checkvars.F. All the internal variables are now known by all processors.

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