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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#923 colucix Fixed Minor correction to dateclock.F and inert tracers metadata

In subroutine datevec the computation of seconds brings always to zero, because of


that should be


where minutes is the truncated (integer) value that shall be subtracted from seconds to obtain the correct number. This avoids for example duplicates in the output of diag.F when we the model is run with a DT that is less than one minute, i.e.

         1 2018-02-23 00:00:00.00  1.120707E-02  3.519684E+03  3.519696E+03  3.077123E+13
                     (255,070,30)  2.858101E-02  1.031344E-03  1.975004E-01  1.500445E+00
         2 2018-02-23 00:01:00.00  1.119368E-02  3.519694E+03  3.519706E+03  3.077129E+13
                     (136,003,30)  1.368026E-03  8.361375E-03  7.292163E+00  1.056991E+00
         3 2018-02-23 00:01:00.00  1.121212E-02  3.519704E+03  3.519715E+03  3.077135E+13
                     (136,006,30)  2.310436E-03  7.068164E-03  5.090048E+00  8.786054E-01
         4 2018-02-23 00:02:00.00  1.125206E-02  3.519712E+03  3.519723E+03  3.077142E+13
                     (135,008,30)  4.295297E-03  4.374091E-03  4.340897E+00  8.676624E-01
         5 2018-02-23 00:02:00.00  1.129371E-02  3.519719E+03  3.519730E+03  3.077148E+13
                     (108,007,30)  4.436244E-03  6.337892E-03  4.120553E+00  8.699228E-01
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