Custom Query (964 matches)


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Results (961 - 963 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#791 arango Fixed Typo in get_state.F

There is a tiny type in get_state.F when reading time-evolving bathymetry if SEDIMENT and SED_MORPH are activated. We need to have instead:

            IF (Master) THEN
              WRITE (stdout,80) string, TRIM(Vname(1,idbath)),          &
     &                          TRIM(ncname)
            END IF
            IF (FoundError(exit_flag, nf90_noerr, __LINE__,             &
     &                     __FILE__)) THEN
            END IF
          END IF

Many thanks to Catherine Drinkorn and John Warner for bringing this to my attention.

#829 arango Done Updated few files

This is a minor update to the following files:

  • read_phypar.F: Reports ROMS I/O variables metadata file to standard output.
    Output/Input Files:
      ROMS I/O variables Metadata File:  ../Data/varinfo.dat
  • build_roms.bash: Add MVAPICH2 to which_MPI macro variable.
     export        USE_MPIF90=on            # compile with mpif90 script
    #export         which_MPI=mpich         # compile with MPICH library
    #export         which_MPI=mpich2        # compile with MPICH2 library
    #export         which_MPI=mvapich2      # compile with MVAPICH2 library
     export         which_MPI=openmpi       # compile with OpenMPI library
  • Add MVAPICH2 to which_MPI macro variable.
     setenv USE_MPIF90          on          # compile with mpif90 script
    #setenv which_MPI           mpich       # compile with MPICH library
    #setenv which_MPI           mpich2      # compile with MPICH2 library
    #setenv which_MPI           mvapich2    # compile with MVAPICH2 library
     setenv which_MPI           openmpi     # compile with OpenMPI library
  • Corrected information spellings in ESMF RunSequence configuration files: coamps_explicit.runconfig, coamps_implicit.runconfig, wrf_explicit.runconfig, and wrf_implicit.runconfig.
#872 abarth Fixed trivial typo in screen output of set_depth.m

While translating the code set_depth.m to julia (, I noticed a small typo in the screen output for igrid=5 (current svn revision 1045):

--- set_depth.m	(Revision 1045)
+++ set_depth.m	(Arbeitskopie)
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@
             '   at horizontal V-points']);
     case 5
       disp(['   igrid    = ',num2str(igrid),                            ...
-            '   at horizontal RHO-points']);
+            '   at horizontal W-points']);

Thanks for your great work!

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