Custom Query (964 matches)


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Results (958 - 960 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#508 arango colucix Fixed Assignment of SCRATCH_DIR in the main Makefile out of place

I'd like to report a minor bug in the latest revision 554. At the beginning of the main makefile, has been added the assignment

  libraries  := $(SCRATCH_DIR)/libUTIL.a

but the SCRATCH_DIR environment variable is assigned afterward, after the end of the user-defined section. We should move the assignment of SCRATCH_DIR at the beginning, to avoid an error at compilation time, e.g.

make: *** No rule to make target `/libUTIL.a', needed by `oceanM'.  Stop

where is obvious that the value $(SCRATCH_DIR) is still null.

#683 arango kate Invalid def_info.F flags

There are some settings in def_info.F which should have this change applied:

@@ -1403,8 +1403,8 @@
 #if defined UV_VIS2 || defined UV_VIS4
       Vinfo( 1)='LuvSponge'
       Vinfo( 2)='horizontal viscosity sponge activation switch'
-      Vinfo( 9)='.FALSE.'
-      Vinfo(10)='.TRUE.'
+      Vinfo( 7)='.FALSE.'
+      Vinfo( 8)='.TRUE.'
       status=def_var(ng, model, ncid, varid, nf90_int,                  &
      &               1, (/0/), Aval, Vinfo, ncname,                     &
      &               SetParAccess = .FALSE.)

You'll know for sure which are which, but 7/8 are for true/false values.

#687 arango m.hadfield Fixed NetCDF clm_file attribute is incomplete

I have noticed that when my ROMS simulations uses multiple boundary files and the same number of climatology files, then in the output netCDF files the bry_file global attribute lists all the boundary files in a comma-separated list, but the clm_file attribute gives only one.

The reason is apparent on reading ROMS/Utility/def_info.F, lines 567 and 583. At the former, a list of boundary files is constructed with the join_string procedure and then written to the bry_file attribute. At the latter a similar list is constructed, but it is never used.

Corrected version attached.

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