Custom Query (964 matches)


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Results (943 - 945 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#153 arango jacopo Fixed small typos/bugs

in mod_coupler.F, there are 2 missing "&" for line continuation: line 364 and 373

in mpdata_adiff.F, the same: line 421 and 633.

Logical variable VECTOR in swanpre1.F gets screwed up during compilation.

Jacopo & Sandro

#161 arango kate Done Sea_Ice placement in makefile

The makefile now only parses the directories containing files being used - except Sea_Ice is on the always parse list. It should be handled the same way as the adjoint or the waves.

#169 arango arango Done Improved compilation information

I added an extra line to the makefile rules files (Compilers/*.mk) to report the full path of the compiler being used or the mpif90 script:

# Use full path of compiler.
               FC := $(shell which ${FC})

This useful when there are several versions of the compiler or the mpif90 script. I also refined the USE_MPIF90 conditional in the build script.

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