Custom Query (964 matches)


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Results (937 - 939 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#83 arango gbroquet Fixed Wrong variable declaration in cgradient.h when not ASSUMED SHAPE

line 405/406 of cgradient.h there are nl_tl_ustr and nl_tl_vstr instead of tl_ustr and tl_vstr.

#92 arango jcwarner Fixed cppdefs.h advection description

cppdefs has:

** OPTIONS associated with momentum equations:                               **
**                                                                           **
**   The default horizontal and vertical advection is 4th-order centered.    **
**   Use the splines vertical advection option is shallow, high vertical     **
**   resolution applications.                                                **
**                                                                           **

However, I think the default advection fo rmomentum is still the 3rd order scheme, as stated in previous versions: Select model dynamics for MOMENTUM equations: (The default advection is third-order upstream bias)

Can you modify the comments in cppdefs to be consistent with the code? (This was brought to my attention by Barbara).

#94 arango stef Fixed wrong constant in bvf mixing

I think there is an error in mod_scalars.F, which affects bvf mixing:

line 422:

!    gorho0        gravity divided by mean density anomaly.


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