Custom Query (964 matches)


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Results (934 - 936 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#53 arango jprinehimer Fixed SVNREV variable in makefile

Line 273 in the makefile has: SVNREV := $(shell svnversion -n .)

SVNREV should be set as a ?= so that the variable can be set in a build script in case the build computer doesn't have svn (e.g. you use one system for maintaining code and another for building/running code). The build doesn't fail the way it's set up now, but the errors about svnversion not being found are annoying.

#69 arango arango Fixed Typo in NPZD model documentation

There is a documentation typo in NPZD model activated with NPZD_POWELL. The variable K_NO3 is described as inverse half saturation nitrate uptake. The word inverse is wrong here when compared to the actual code.

#82 arango crode1968 Fixed Typo in lmd_vmix.F (L295)

There is a typo in lmd_vmix.F (Rev 29) line 295. I guess instead of

DO k=N-2,2,-1

there should be a line like

DO k=N(ng)-2,2,-1

Have a nice day

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