Custom Query (964 matches)


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Results (928 - 930 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#954 arango Done Updated Hurricane Irene Test Case

The GitHub is updated to include changes to the IRENE coupling application:

  • The subdirectory IRENE/Coupling now includes two subdirectories:

    • data_wrf_roms: ESMF/NUOPC coupling with three components: DATA-WRF-ROMS using ROMS native coupling framework.

    • roms_data: ESMF/NUOPC coupling with two components: ROMS-DATA. It tests the native ROMS NUOPC cap modules for ROMS and DATA components.
  • It also serves as an example to couple to the UFS using CDEPS/CMEPS. Thus, we may include other subdirectories in the future to show the interface to the UFS.
  • Corrected the units attribute for variable Tair in IRENE/Data/FRC/ It needs to be Celsius instead of Kelvin.
#957 arango Done Changed ROMS License

The License_ROMS.txt was renamed to to allow Markdown documentation.

# Copyright (c) 2002-2023 The ROMS/TOMS Group
#   Licensed under a MIT/X style license
#   See
#960 arango Fixed Important: Corrected minor typo in wrt_station.F
  • The metadata indices for writing Eastward/Northward wind components into the station's output NetCDF file were misspelled. We must use idUaiE and idVaiN instead of idUairE and idVairN. Many thanks to Aijun Zhang for bringing this issue to my attention.
  • Updated documentation in cppdefs.h preamble.
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