Custom Query (964 matches)


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Results (922 - 924 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#908 arango Done Corrected minor typos

Corrected minor typos in roms_build.csh and varinfo.dat.

#912 arango Done Added docs subdirectory

A new docs subdirectory is added to the repository. It currently has the file. In the future, it will contain additional documents and information files that can be used in ROMS doxygen.

#935 arango Fixed IMPORTANT: Corrected initialization of boundary indices in 2D applications

Removed the initialization of 3D boundary indices in mod_ncparam.F for shallow-water applications where SOLVE3D is undefined. Now we have:

!  Set generic lateral boundary indices for LBC structure. Use the same
! values of the state variables at the same C-grid location. Generic
! indices are used for testing periodicity. The PSI-variables and
! W-variables are assigned the same value as the RHO-variables.
      isBp2d=isFsur                           ! 2D PSI-variables
      isBr2d=isFsur                           ! 2D RHO-variables
      isBu2d=isUbar                           ! 2D U-variables
      isBv2d=isVbar                           ! 2D V-variables
#if defined SOLVE3D
      isBp3d=isTvar(1)                        ! 3D PSI-variables
      isBr3d=isTvar(1)                        ! 3D RHO-variables
      isBu3d=isUvel                           ! 3D U-variables
      isBv3d=isVvel                           ! 3D V-variables
      isBw3d=isTvar(1)                        ! 3D W-variables
# if defined GLS_MIXING || defined MY25_MIXING
      isMtke=isTvar(MT)+1                     ! turbulent variables
# endif

In 2D applications, the total number of tracers, MT=0. Therefore, the isTvar vector is allocated as

     IF (.not.allocated(isTvar)) THEN
       allocate ( isTvar(MT) )
     END IF

Thus, we have only access to element zero of the vector isTvar, which may trigger a segmentation violation when accessing isTvar(1).

Many thanks to Moein DoostMohammadi for bringing this issue to my attention.

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