Custom Query (964 matches)


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Results (889 - 891 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#524 arango arango Fixed Added argument to mpi_barrier

The call to mpi_barrier in Master/mct_coupler.h needs a second argument:

       CALL mpi_barrier (MPI_COMM_WORLD, MyError)

Many thanks to Charles James for bringing this to my attention. We had this annoying warning for awhile when running model coupling with the MCT library.

#536 arango arango Fixed Corrected typo in sediment_mod.h

Corrected a typo in ROMS/Nonlinear/Sediment/sediment_mod.h during the allocation of variable transC and transN. We need to have instead:

#if defined MIXED_BED
      IF (.not.allocated(transC)) THEN
        allocate ( transC(Ngrids) )
        transC = IniVal
      END IF
      IF (.not.allocated(transN)) THEN
        allocate ( transN(Ngrids) )
        transN = IniVal
      END IF

Many thanks to Alfredo Aretxabaleta for bringing this to my attention.

#538 arango arango Done Updated Matlab script d_obc_roms2roms.m

I updated the script matlab/boundary/d_obc_roms2roms.m and added a call to force Java to clean garbage collection when computing a long time-series. We may get Java exception errors about heap space when reading input files from an OpenDAP server, if applicable.

% If processing an OpenDAP file, force Java garbage collection.

  if (nc_url(NWAdata)),

Also, notice that if we want to restart the computation, we can set CREATE = false and get the record of the last boundary conditions processed for appending.

  BryRec = 0;
  BryRec = length(nc_read(BRYname,'bry_time'));

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