Custom Query (964 matches)


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Results (883 - 885 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#366 arango arango Done Update the MCT Library to version 2.6.0

Updated the Model Coupling Toolkit (MCT) library to its latest version 2.6.0 which was released on April 30, 2009.

#367 arango arango Done Updated get_ngfld.F and get_ngfldr.F

Updated files get_ngfld.F and get_ngfldr.F to allow reading 3D variables with Jrec=1. The variable Jrec is used to differentiate reading between 3D and 2D arrays:

            IF ((                                         &
     &          ((Jrec.eq.1).and.(Iinfo(7,ifield,ng).gt.0))) THEN
              CALL netcdf_get_fvar (ng, model, ncfile, Vname(1,ifield), &
     &                              A,                                  &
     &                              ncid = ncid,                        &
     &                              start = (/1,1,Trec/),               &
     &                              total = (/Iend-Istr+1,Jrec,1/))
              CALL netcdf_get_fvar (ng, model, ncfile, Vname(1,ifield), &
     &                              A,                                  &
     &                              ncid = ncid,                        &
     &                              start = (/1,Trec/),                 &
     &                              total = (/Iend-Istr+1,1/))
            END IF

Although this is not needed currently, it will be used in the future to read other fields.

Many thanks to John Warner for bringing this to my attention.

#369 arango arango Done Added new scripts to clean blank spaces and report tags

Added two new scripts and ws_remove.bash to remove trailing white spaces and trailing tabs. It also report all files that contain tabs (excluding the makefile) so can be removed by hand.

These are a nice scripts to clean source code. Many thanks to David Robertson for coding these scripts.

Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.