Custom Query (964 matches)


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Results (880 - 882 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#348 arango arango Done Added metadata logic for sediment tracers boundaries

Updated varindo.dat and mod_ncparam.F to include the metadata for cohesive and noncohesive input boundary variables. Recall the the logic for these variables are special because it depends on the number of sediment classes. I added the following comment to varinfo.dat for clarity:

!  Sediment variables:  The actual variable name for some of the sediment
!                       tracers are set-up internally in "mod_ncparam.F".
!  It depends on the mumber of cohesive and noncohesive sediment tracers
!  for a particular application. For example if you have 1 cohesive and
!  2 noncohesive sediment classes, the variable names are:
!    "mud_"          becomes   "mud_01"
!    "mud_west_"     becomes   "mud_west_01"
!    "mud_east_"     becomes   "mud_east_01"
!    "mud_south_"    becomes   "mud_south_01"
!    "mud_north_"    becomes   "mud_north_01"
!    "sand_"         becomes   "sand_01",       "sand_02"
!    "sand_west"     becomes   "sand_west_01",  "sand_west_02"
!    "sand_east"     becomes   "sand_east_01",  "sand_east_02"
!    "sand_south"    becomes   "sand_south_01", "sand_south_02"
!    "sand_north"    becomes   "sand_north_01", "sand_north_02"

Many thanks to Do-Seong Byun for bringing this to my attention.

#357 arango wilkin Fixed pCO2 units are wrong in varinfo.dat

The units of pCO2 should be microatmosphere, not atm. Thanks to Sergio Signorini for spotting this.

#361 arango arango Fixed Corrected standard ouput error

Corrected a problem in get_2dfld.F and get_2dfldr.F when reading point data. The Fmin and Fmax where not assigned, so the correct range of the processed data was incorrectly reported to standard output as zero. However, the correct data was used in ROMS internally.

Many thanks to Diego Narvaez for reporting this problem in the forum.

I also corrected a typo in the makefile. Many thanks to Kate hedstrom for reporting this typo.

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