Custom Query (964 matches)


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Results (862 - 864 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#244 arango jcwarner Fixed suspload ifdef missing for bedload only simulation in sed_bed.F

ROMS/Nonlinear/sed_bed.F needs the ifdef SUSPLOAD around the ero_flux and settling_flux pointers for argument list, such as:

# ifdef SUSPLOAD
     &                   OCEAN(ng) % ero_flux,                          &
     &                   OCEAN(ng) % settling_flux,                     &
# endif

(this is needed at 4 places at the top of the file, in the argument list).

#247 arango rsignell Fixed TEST_HEAD test case input files need to be changed from MUD to SAND

The code is okay, but I needed to make some modifications to the supplied TEST_HEAD input files to get bedload to be non-zero. These modifications are required because of the change in R224, where bedload was split from the other routines, and the looping was changed to DO ised=NCS+1,NST, yet the input files still used NCS=1, NNT=0 (NST=1), so the loop never gets executed.

I needed to modify the file to set NCS=0, NNS=1, modify the file to specify parameters for SAND instead of MUD, and also change the variable names from MUDFRAC_01 to SANDFRAC_01, MUD_01 to SAND_01, etc in the initialization NetCDF file Once I made these changes, the TEST_HEAD test case run with the R271 code (current trunk code) produced non-zero bedload values equivalent to versions prior to R224.

#255 arango m.hadfield Fixed Empty wrt_impulse.F causes error message

File ROMS/Utility/wrt_impulse.F is of the form

#include "cppdefs.h"
#if defined ADJOINT && defined IMPULSE
      SUBROUTINE wrt_impulse (ng, tile, model, INPncname)
      END SUBROUTINE wrt_impulse

Therefore it is empty if ADJOINT and IMPULSE are not both defined. This causes an error on some systems. One solution is to insert an empty subroutine in this case.

#include "cppdefs.h"
#if defined ADJOINT && defined IMPULSE
      SUBROUTINE wrt_impulse (ng, tile, model, INPncname)
      END SUBROUTINE wrt_impulse
      SUBROUTINE wrt_impulse
      END SUBROUTINE wrt_impulse
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