Custom Query (964 matches)


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Results (835 - 837 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#130 arango arango Done Output mass fluxes into averages NetCDF file

I added the capability to save mass fluxes (DU_avg1, DU_avg2, DV_avg1, DV_avg2) for coupling 3D momentum into the time-averaged NetCDF file. In the code these fields are averaged over all the barotropic time-steps. Here, they are also averaged over the specified baroclinic steps. This is only done for output purpuses (AVERAGES and FORWARD_WRITE) so the average NetCDF can be used as the basic state to linearize the tangent linear and adjoint models. This is only relevant in adaptive sampling and optimal observations.

#131 arango kate Fixed Fell off end of Coptions array

Halfway through the WEST boundary conditions, I got an out of bounds error on the array Coptions. It should be dimensioned larger.

#132 arango arango Fixed Multiple history files and restart

Added additional code to append new records to existing NetCDF files when writing multiple output (history, averages, and diagnostics) files. This only affects runs that were terminated suddenly and restarted with the last available record. The new code adds the records needed to finish such multiple output files. Many thanks to J.Paul Rinehimer for reporting this problem.

I also improved the error message when input fields are not found in multiple forcing NetCDF files. It was reporting the last file in the list. Now it reports all the files searched.

Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.