Custom Query (964 matches)


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Results (832 - 834 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#122 arango kate Fixed Not enough ANALYTICAL checks in globaldefs.h

There's a block of checks in globaldefs.h in which ANALYTICAL gets defined if any one of the ANA_* flags is defined. The tests in analytical.F are:

# if defined VISC_GRID || defined DIFF_GRID || defined SPONGE
#  include <ana_hmixcoef.h>
# endif


# if defined NUDGING_COFF
#  include <ana_nudgcoef.h>
# endif

These four flags should be added to the tests in globaldefs.h.

#124 arango crode1968 Fixed Passive Tracer are not read in after restart

Dear ROMS-Team, Dear Hernan Arango,

IMHO the subroutine ./ROMS/Utility/checkvars.F needs a patch to ensure the reading of passive tracers after a restart.

>> gdiff -uN checkvars.F checkvars.F.NEW 

--- checkvars.F 2008-01-28 15:52:49.307101000 +0100
+++ checkvars.F.NEW     2008-01-28 15:52:49.296606000 +0100
@@ -117,11 +117,19 @@
 # endif
 #ifdef SOLVE3D
-# if defined T_PASSIVE && !defined ANA_PASSIVE
+# if defined T_PASSIVE
+#  if defined ANA_PASSIVE
+      IF (nrrec(ng).ne.0) THEN
+        DO itrc=1,NPT
+          get_var(idTvar(inert(itrc)))=.TRUE.
+        END DO
+      END IF
+#  else
       DO itrc=1,NPT
       END DO
-# endif
+#  endif ANA_PASSIVE
+# endif T_PASSIVE
 # ifdef SEDIMENT
 #  ifdef SED_MORPH
       IF (nrrec(ng).ne.0) THEN

Thanks and have a nice day,


#128 arango arango Fixed Corrected typo in ana_srflux.h

Corrected the comments about the unit for shortwave radiation in ana_srflux.h. The fluxes inside ROMS kernel are kinematic so the unit for shortwave radiation is degC m/s. Notice that if the shortwave radiation is read from input NetCDF file it is converted to degC m/s using the Fscale in varinfo.dat. Usually, shortwave radiation is in Watt/m2 so:


Many thanks to Laura Bianucci for reporting this typo.

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