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Results (817 - 819 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#60 arango m.hadfield Done Support for linking to netCDF 4 libraries

As we know, ROMS will eventually move to using netCDF 4, allowing various enhancements like parallel I/O and compression. In the meantime, I have been experimenting with using netCDF 4 libraries as a direct substitute for netCDF 3 libraries. It turns out that the only change required in ROMS is to add some linker flags to link to the underlying HDF5 and Zlib libraries. For the current versions of netCDF 4 and HDF5 the flags required are:

-lnetcdf -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5 -lz

I suggest the following changes to support this:

  • In makefile, add a variable USE_NETCDF4 (similar to the other USE_* variables).
  • In the platform-specific makefiles, add an "ifdef USE_NETCDF4" block to set the flags.

Files are attached.

In future I expect USE_NETCDF4 will also be used to set preprocessor flags to support netCDF 4 features in the code.

#62 arango m.hadfield Done Reference to NETCDF_INCDIR no longer required in CPPFLAGS

The platform-specific make files all contain the following


This is a relic of the days when the netCDF F77 definitions were imported via an include statement in mod_netcdf.F

#include ""

This is unnecessary now that the netCDF F90 interface is imported via a USE statement. The only place where NETCDF_INCDIR is required now is in the master makefile:


#63 arango arango Fixed cpp_clean Temporary Files

The cpp_clean script may fail to move the temporary files from the source to the build directory. This happens when the source and Build directories are in different disk partitions. Many thanks to John Wilkin and Rich Signell for reporting this problem.

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