Custom Query (964 matches)


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Results (811 - 813 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#18 arango m.hadfield Fixed Syntax error in ana_fsobc.h for WEDDELL case

Just a parenthesis in the wrong place at line 135. Corrected file attached...

#24 arango m.hadfield Fixed BL_TEST case suffering from bit rot

The BL_TEST case appears to lack some preprocessor macros that it needs. The macro ANA_WWAVE is defined, but there is a compiler error on the source in ana_wwave.h. See below.

Should this case be updated or deleted?

The error: in ana_wwave.h the following code is specified

#if defined BL_TEST
      DO j=JstrR,JendR
        DO i=IstrR,IendR
        END DO
      END DO
#elif ...

however Hwave is available only if WAVES_HEIGHT is defined (which it isn't), Dwave is available only if BBL_MODEL or NEARSHORE_MELLOR is defined (which they aren't), and Pwave appears to have been replaced by Pwave_top and Pwave_bot.

#33 arango m.hadfield Fixed Remove references to CANYON_A and CANYON_B in ana_*.h

ROMS used to have CANYON_A and CANYON_B test cases, the former being 2D and the latter 3D (I think). Now there is just one preprocessor symbol (CANYON) used for these cases, with corresponding header file canyon.h, and the dimensionality is controlled by SOLVE3D. However there are still references to CANYON_A and CANYON_B in ROMS/Functionals/ana_*.h. I have replaced them with CANYON throughout. See attached files.

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